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25-Jan-2001 08:58 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
I found a lot of truth in what Valera wrote. I mostly agree with that. Personally I see them in three divisions. The ones that say the words, the guy in the Save The Last DAnce said (I'm from a bad neighborhood and I WILL continue to be bad, and I take pride in bein bad) the ones, that don't think much about that, and just live their lives, and renounce racism whenever they come across it, but generally keep into themselves, and the others that do their best to break the attitude and achieve a lot.
The first ones are probably responsible for the fact that the attitude goes on. I don't even want to suggest that the white and black worlds should merge, both are good in special ways, but I guess white people should let go of the idea that black people are all gangstaz... They should try to look at the criminals as criminals and not black criminals. This is why there is so much talk about racial profiling nowdays, and it's not just talk, it is reality.
Isn't it true that if some criminal is on TV who killed a bunch of people, if he's white, people think-what a bad man! if he's black, people think-there you go again, when are they gonna get out of this violence!
Tell me frankly please guys, isn't it what most people think? Do you know that if a black man rapes a white woman, he's mor likely to be prosecuted than if a white man did that. But at the same time, if a white man rapes a black woman, he will be prosecuted but may get a lighter punishment than if a black man did that.
It is all statistically proved.
I am not justifying anything or anybody. I think criminals and gangstaz and drug-traffickers and rapers should be judged as usual people, not as wearers of certain colours.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 10:47 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 10:49 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Hey, has anybody watched "Instinct" with Antony Hopkins and Sean Connery? If you haven't, I definitely recommend!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 01:45 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
ok, i c most of u have never been aquianted with A/A's.
(i don't mean u Alincho).
what i wanna say. before i came here, i thought they r just unlucky guys and in reality they might be nice fellows. however after i came to my host univ. i found out they r no more than just niggaz. i don't know, but in Philly i found them much nicer people. surely the geographical location of them, have lots of effects on their attitudes. thus, i met lots of blacks from Africa, like Kenya, Nigeria, Sudan and other countries. these guys r really nice people and i don't have anything against them. moreover i have some friends among them, as i c those guys r the normal international students as we all and even they do not differ much from all of us.
but the local A/A's r completely different kind of stuff. (i don't want to call them even as a human beings). they r just pissing me up with their attitudes. they think they r the smartest or whatever. for ex.: have u ever noticed the differents of the sellers' service btw. A/A's and white or hispanic person in WalMart or anywhere else.
A/A's don't show any respect. same stuff with students in my univ. there is a significant minority of them, and most of them r really mf's.
i don't say that all black people r bad. as i noticed above the ones who r from Africa or any other country, r much better than the local ones.
in my previous message i wrote that i had not been racist till i came here.but it's not mean that i am racist now.
basically, i wanna tell that those guys r really irretate me sometimes, so my opinion is that.
if they have a bad life, and if some people hate them, that is all their faults. coz they make themselves to be hated.
by the way, Igor, i also like rap, and many of my fans r A/A's. (like: Janet & Michael, M. Jordan, Dr. Dre, Dr. Alban, and all other guys). however the conflicts that i have had here with A/A's made me hate them. try to think of my ass also dude. and tell ur friend valera plz. that i am not Rus, who is pretty much reminds me one of those niggaz.
X-ray, ur message was funny but kinda stupid. am sorry man, but next time do not post messages that have no idea with the topic.
all't folks.
take it easy
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 02:29 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
u know what, believe me all A/A's treat white females completely differently than white males. to be in a relationship with a white woman is the most important thing for a nigga.
i have seen so many interratial couples here. basically white girl(no older than 22, who is still not mature enough to do sophisticated desicion concerning with her life) and a black guy, in Tommy jeans and Polo shirt, with a questionable background or even presence, as normally not everyone would allow himself to buy expensive clothes and supply his car with a 2000$ auto-stereo system.
thus most of that blacks r doin' black stuff.
but, i wanna mention about the girl. i don't believe much that most of those white girls would marry to the black guys. so what r they sickin' oh yeah, nothin' more than havin' fun.
anyway i don't care much.
the basic stuff i wanted to emphasize is there r much more relationship btw. black male minority and white females, than the regular friendship btw. 2 males of different race. (again not to include homosexuals, who r also frequant in interracial relations)

and one question to you Alincho.
please answer me honestly: "could you marry to an A/A, i mean ur (ex-)boyfriend, for instance?"
as i am requesting to answer you honestly, you may email me to it is surely junk email opened just for ur reply. and before replying me plz. think over all the aspects of such a marriage. to include : the attitude of ur friends relatives and parents on ur desicion.
take care
P.S.: believe me, ur message will be read just by me.
P.S>: & y'all female visitors of this portal, would u plz. also answer to my question honestly?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 02:36 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
You know,what,Casper...Never judge any race ,nation or gender by one representative.
If to do so,we can,evidently,say that all Russians are drunkards,all Ukrainians like "SALO" and "GORILKA",all Georgians are selling flowers & fruits and follow any skirt that appear on the horizon,all Mexicans are poor and gypsy-like,all Puerto-Ricans are typical "machos",all Americans are rich,all British are snobbish,all French are arrogant,,all Afro-Americans live in ghetto and are waiting for you to kill you or to rob you,all Chinese are in restaurant business,all Japanese are business people with cells & palms,all Italians are noisy and disrespectful,all Germans are self-sufficient and selfish,all females are the same[b**ches],all men are betraitors,etc.,etc........

Open your mind,buddy...

P.S.Hey,yo?!Ya see whacha sayn'?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 02:53 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance

This is the title of a movie I have seen recently. It is all about racism. Alincho is right: the black people have been mistreated and opressed for the sole reason of being black.

I would recomend this film to you, it is really good.

Best regards,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 04:10 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Casper, I'll answer your question re. marriage:
NO! Never ever.
But it's not because I don't respect them or think that they're all bad and I hate them - that's not true. In a sense Alincho and Dorina are right: They are a bit mistreated - or they were mistreated, then they fought their way to freedom and still were mistreated, then white people started treating them normally, but by that time they got so agressive, that now they wouldn't wanna change, they reamained the way they were (I mean agressive), because they themselve refused to accept that white people started to treat them normally, that some time ago they were treated badly, all of them, and now that they won their equality in human rights, white people need time to adjust to that. WHO is building that reputation for them? Me? You? No, it's them who are building bad reputaion for themselves. Well, yes, you were mistreated, yes that is bad, yes you need equal human rights, because you are human beings too, yes you should fight for that, if you don't get it without a fight, that's the rule of survival, but now that you got it, what the hell do you want else?! You needed to show your strength to get it, now you that you got it, show a bit of wisdom to raise it, show that you didn't fight just for being mistreated again, show that you deserve it, show that the color of skin is the only thing that you have different from the others. AlikUS is right though, it's wrong to judge about the whole nation or race looking at just some representatives of that nation/race. And that's probably why I don't even wanna show MY attitude towards them, because I don't wanna judge them by meeting just some representatives of A/A's. I tell one thing, I don't have the best attitude towards them, but I don't hate them, and I am quite sure that there certainly are good people among them, may be I just wasn't lucky enough to meet those "better" ones. There definitely are those who REALLY show that they deserve what they were fighting for, and there are a lot of them, it's just that bad things are always louder than good things, good things are never talked about as much as bad things. There are a lot of them conducting good and honest lives, but no one ever notices them, but there are some who commit crime, and the noise gets up to the skies! And I know it's too bad that those "some" create such bad reputation for the "whole". And I realised that long ago. Casper, I do understand you, but put yourself in the place of an A/A, who is not the "usual bad guy", but who is treated like that, because many other A/As proved to be bad guys. Believe me it doesn't feel really good. And I'm not just defending A/A's, I just know it as I have been in such a situation; We are bordering with Afghanistan and, YES, there are people who transport drugs from Afghanistan to Tajikistan and then to Uzbekistan, Russia and so on. And when I was in Russia it felt really bad when I said I am from Tajikistan and I saw an expression on those people's faces as if I'm a drug seller or user! I wanna say I'm proud of being a representative of such an ancient and respectful nation as Tajiks, but the attitude of people in Russia towards tajiks kills that pride, just because some jerks decided to make money and got caught! It is not fair, because in such families as mine, drugs are not considered only illigal, they are immoral and the most hatred things, and yet, it means nothing to people outside the country - I am from Tajikistan - and that says it all. They don't care what your attitude towards drugs is, they don't know what kind of person you are, they just judge by a couple of idiots who DO sell and/or use drugs.
But from the other side, I understand what casper says - as it said: Majority wins (and that is usually true, inspite of the real truth), and most A/A's are rude! (I'm talking about guys, duno about girls), and that creates an image for all A/A's, and even if it's a false image, people believe it.

And now conclusion of my long speech: I think all of you are right in some point, and all of you are wrong in some other point! And I don't say that I am the one who is completely right; as well as all of you I might be right in a sense and wrong in some point. One thing I wanna say is: don't change your attitude towards each other because of the different attitudes to some others, those that you don't even definetly know who they are.

Respectfully yours,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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