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26-Jan-2001 04:28 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Dear Casper,
I must say that you just were not lucky to meet such A/A's in your university.
I live in south and black people on the street are not rare. And still most of A/A's that I've met didn't do anything that could challenge negative emotions in me.
But there's one thing that I agree with you: black&white couples are not acceptable. Maybe it sounds like racism, but I also can't stand this thing.
although I might change my opinion about that. But there should be obvious reasons to make it happen.

And just for fan. The joke about one of your favorite (or ex-favorite) singer: "Michael Jackson - a human who was born as a black male and who will die as a white female". SAD, but TRUE.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 06:12 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Dear Casper, so called "friendly ghost",
I don't know what you have against my message posted in this topic or against my right to post messages wherever I want and whenever I want, on any reason, as long as it doesn't offend members of this portal.
I posted this message largely because I wanted to turn discussion in different directon and continue the topic of the first message in which Alina asked our opinion about the movie, not about the racial issues.
I called the header of this message "Racism" only because of you. You seem to be obsessed with this issue. I may be stupid and may do stupid things, you know, we humans tend to do that unlike nonmaterial beings. But you probably don't get the point of racism. Calling my actions stupid, even if they are so, I belive to be a discrimination based on intellectual abilities, don't you think?
Well, I am not offended by your angry note.
Your feelings must be hurt either by one or group of the individuals who were unlucky enough to have the wrong color of skin.
Your little ego cries for revenge, but it seems to me that it wasn't satisfied, or you wouldn't whine in public about how bad those "ugly niggas" are.
When you say that you like some of them, you contradict yourself, don't you think? Either all of them are "niggas" or you shouldn't judge them by color. Or, I don't understand something. Show me where I am wrong.
About black-white marriage. I knew couple who were happy in their marriage and had four kids. One of them studied with me and was a great guy!
All I want to say is try not to be selfish and don't concentrate on yourself too much. Open your eyes to reality.
You can be incognito, but you can't run from yourself. Although I doubt that you gonna follow my advice.
I wish you good luck!
Sincerely, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 02:33 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
What a good idea X-ray had! Change the topic back to first message, which is about movies, not about racism, that is a way much better discussion than racism. And what a great idea Yerik had - LIVE PEACEFULLY!!!

I hope everyone will support these two ideas.


BTW, I haven't watched any of those two movies yet, but I know from what people say that "Save the last dance" is a good movie, and now, listening to X and Yerik, I wanna see the other one too (sorry forgot how it's called), and may be soon I'll give my opnion on them .
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 04:55 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
all't folks. u wanna make me change my mind about those people. i c nothin' harmful in it, but u know, if u had a good opinion of them, that's cool. keep pursuein' it. but my opinion is already have been stated above, and i won't change my mind anyway.
most of y'all ask me if i haven't met with good A/A's. yeah i met with them. i have seen very nice A/A's. moreover 1 of them, was really "the MAN". he could put me & some of other friends of mine(from USSR, of course) into the jail, however he hadn't done that. i will tell u the story, that has happened. i & my friends went to detroit on our winter brake. as y'all know it is pretty much near to Canada, so we all decided to cross the bounderies and visit "over seas".
as we all had US driver's lisences, it was not so difficult to do that. however, when we returned back we undergone to the custom's control. as usual black policeman come and questioned us. the first question he asked was "r u US citizens?".
it was dangereous to answer as u know their system is flexible and they would identify who we r in a moment. for a momeent we staye in a confusion. after he reasked, but in a different way.: "where did u born?"
we told that we all from russia. and then he said "so u r naturalized US citizens" we said that we r.
surely he realized that we are not. it was written on our faces, as we all were so frightened. anyway, he let us go. we all were happy, as that event could change our fates in not lucky way.
thus, this event, has to make thank all A/A's till the end of my life. but u know, thankful for that particular person, however "exceptions do not change the rules".
what about the other A/A who tried to rub me $ my friends in down town Atlanta. (we have been there on our wint. brake, also). what about one of the those A/A's of my univ. who once " nayeahal na odnogo iz moyego druzey, whose from USSR as well" . ther r many such examples.
well, anyway, X-ray, i am not contradicting myself. i told that i hate A/A's, but i am not racist. u know black people in Canada r completely different people, and am sure those ones who r in europe r also different people.
by the way, i also completely agree with yerkin's last message. he has some comprehensive ideas.
let all of us stay with own mind, as we won't be able to pursue each other!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 05:47 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Slysh, EPKIH
A u nas v Almata kakie niggery - amerikanskye ili afrikanskie?
A mojet - mestnye? (Mambazzz)

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 07:24 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Sorry casper, but you make me doubt your intellectual abilities.
You have the right to hate the black people, but if you do so, please let's call things by their names, i.e. hating people based on color of their skin is racism.
I don't want to persuade you to change your mind, it's useless anyway, unless, of course, you open your mind and face the truth.
I don't even know if you're male or female!
Anyway, made the statement - back it up!
If you don't have the guts to call the things by their names, PLEASE keep your ideas to yourself! And stop irritating people!
Valera was right when he said that you remind him of Rus, you do!
I see I was right when made an assumption that some those guys got you. And I see that you didn't get my previous message. Well, I guess, you just want everybody to hear your problems, and see your sores not even considering their opinion about the matter.
It seems to me that some people are just that way. I can stand that, but when they call the white - black and the black - white and say that they see like everybody else, it makes me puke. I beg your pardon.
My point is, if you say that you hate AAs have courage to acknowledge that you're a racist.
But you say that you like some of the blacks. May be then, you should reconsider your statement? May be you don't like the jerks who tried to rob you not the blacks?
Make your mind, don't confuse people and yourself.

I apologize Kom and everybody else who tired of this arguement.
Sincerely, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 08:22 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
all right stuff.
listen to me body. for me there are 3 types of black skinned beings.
1-(this is the REAL majority)niggers or nigaz, who r the local mf's, who r allways pissing me up, & whom i wanna kill. ex.: most of the nigar-students in my univ., rubbers, rapers & all other criminals.
2- Africans: all other black people who have not been bornt in US. (to include European minority of blacks, and real black people from African continent) those guys have my respect, i have nothin' against them.
3-finally A/A's. : local blacks, who try to be people, kinda personality of Derek in "S.L.Dance". who try to achieve some picks, without their prejudice of being the black race. these types of guys r quite respectful, and nice people. for ex.: the policeman at US customs, in detroit. however, these people r very insignificant minority of their society. i don't care about these people much. i am nor liking neither hating them.

Thus the first group is taking the previlege and building the real stereotype for their own race.
to sum up, my attitude to blacks is depended on the
behaviour of the black majority- who r niggaz. as i stated above those people r not deserved to be called A/A's. that's why i hate them. my negative attitude is completely concerned with those people. that's all.
yeah, i haven't stated all of these info. in my first letter, so y'all guys began to think that i am racist. especially u Nurbek- whom i treated as a friend in Philly. (by the way, am male).
i hope u got what i wanted to say, man. so u & i will win nothin' from our disputs about this. anyway, u r right. no one never will make me change my attitude toward NIGAZZZZ!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 08:41 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Casper, the one time that the black guy saved your a**es (sorry for the language), didn't make you like them, but one time that the black jerks tried to rob you made you hate them all? I think you just have never been robbed by russians, ukrainians or people from wherever you are from. And please don't tell that there are no robbers there where you actually live! (I mean where you were born and raised). What if you got robbed by a person from the same nationality as you are, would you hate your naion for that then? What if you got robbed by white American, would you hate all of them just because of that one case? Govorish' AA naekhal na tvoego druga iz USSR, a v USSR na tebya nikto v zhizni ne naezzhal? If no, than you are just one of the most lucky people there! Or you just don't communicate enough for that. You brought an example of black and white people serving in K-mart and other stores - I have seen black people serving there, and they do their job as good as white Americans or others do, I've seen a white American who was rude, and still she was a WHITE American, and I've never seen an AA serving in a store who was rude. It's just the case of WHO you saw, it's not the race, it's those people that you saw. I think that AA's seem more disrespectful to you, just because you don't like them. And I agree with Nurbek, what you have is called nothing but racism!
Yeah, and one more thing, I wasn't trying to change your attitude, I knew from the very beginning that it is useless. Ya schitayu chto ubedit' kogo v chem to ne legko, a pereubedit' gorazdo trudney. I just expressed my opinion, and that wasn't to change your opinion.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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