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26-Jan-2001 10:12 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
BTW, casper, the right version is "piss off" not "piss up".
Robbers, not rubbers, it changes the meaning.
born, not bornt.
Tsitata: "kinda personality of Derek in "S.L.Dance". who try..." - you don't need to put . after "S.L.Dance".
"my attitude to blacks is depended on..." - dependent on or depends on sounds more correct.
"those people r not deserved to be..." - ... don't deserve to be... sounds better.
"i haven't stated all of these info." info can't be plural, therefore you can't say "these info"

"no one never will" - no one ever is more correct, usually in English language there is just one negation in a sentence.

Sorry, kazhetsya shkola Yerika ne prokhodit bez posledstviy .

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[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-26-2001 22:05 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 10:16 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
ERL, nu kak tebe moy "edit message"? Now I hope you won't sue me for illigal correction of the "ashipki".

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-26-2001 23:15 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 11:15 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
u know what, i just hate such guys in this portal who try to look smart by finding someone's mistakes. my reply for those people is simple "So what????"
do u think the respect to u has been increased???
anyway, one think that i had told is still right. and it is that white females, i don't know y, r so crazy about those ass-holes, as y'all responded me more than any other visitor of our portal.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 11:42 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Casper, sorry if it was offensive, but actually wasn't trying to sound smart or gain your respect, and I'm not a guy, and I'm not crazy about AA's. You are totally wrong. No ya na tebya dazhe ne obizhayus'. Izvini, no mne dazhe smeshno stalo... Ty mozhesh' skazat' chto ty ne serdilsya, no po tomu chto ty napisal vidno chto you REALLY are pissed off, and not only by AA's. Take it easy! And let's have pece, I really, really don't want come to portal and see angry messages, such as this whole topic.

"Rebyata, davayte zhit' druzhno!" (Kot Leapol'd)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 12:00 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
You guys are right. I posted the topic to discuss the movie, not racism. But that topic is so actual (because people like casper still exist-but don't die just to please me , that it came out naturally, and I don't think we should delibarately change the topic before there's nothing else to say about it (unless anybody is afraid or uncomfortable discussing it). In that case I would give up.
But I still got stuff to say.
First of all, I want to answer your question about marrying an A/A: yes. I don't think I ever thought about it when I was here 4 years ago, but now I have a black boyfriend and first time in my life I asked myself the question and I said yes, I would. And I would be happy to share whatever came our way, be it a white american or a prejudiced foreigner like Casper that came here to open his mind, but is an apparent failure (sorry, man, that's what I think of you). I would kick his racist ass, if I heard him talk like this (pardon my language-my patience is drained).
Whoever said it, is right, tebe ni vikarabkatsa is g***a shto sebe navaril. You ARE a racist no matter how you try to paraphraze it.
You know, most white people say that for a black person to marry a white girl is an honor. And black women don't like white women's competition. But you know what??? F*** every single person that will stand in the way of what I want! And it's the disbelief of people like you that keep this discussion alive.
I'm not saying they are saints, or they do it because they have to. All I am saying is that if some people kept their eyes and minds and hearts open, it would be much easier. And one more thing, Casper "What goes around, comes around".
I'm someone who has faced discrimination. Do you think it's a wonderful feeling when a police officer stops you in the middle of the street in Moscow and asks for documents (when you did nothing, you're just walking down the street, BUT you look darker, that's all your fault) and calls you a "litso Kavkazskoy natsionalnosti"???? How do you think that feels??????
I'll tell you-not very nice. Your stomach sinks with humiliation, and you feel like you could kill him. This is how it all starts...... Thanks you, Kom, for bringing that up, I identify with you.
Whoever brought up the tipic of alienation-sorry, I can't remember. OK. Yeah, they keep to themselves, but isn't that what they were forced to do for a long time? Ok, look how much time it took after Lincoln signed the Emancipation Proclamation, to put the blacks on equal terms with whites???? Isn't it almost 140 years?? Martin Luther King wasn't that long ago..
So, it took 140 years to let them come back, I think it's gonna take that much for them to actually come back. All people need to do is be patient, be human.
And Casper, you're a coward. I wouldn't give a single cell of my black boyfriend for a whole bunch of white guys like you!!!!!!!!!! (sorry, other white guys, the non-racist ones, I don't mean to hurt anyone) And know that a lot of white girls will say the same. And don't you dare call women materialist. All they need is to love someone and to be loved. Most of them don't care about the color that loves and understands them. And don't fancy that everyone here wants to change your opinion. Life is stronger than us, it'll come by.
And every night, when you go to bed, pray (although I don't know if there is any space in your heart for belief) for the black policeman that saved your f***ing racist personality. You know why he did it???? Because he probably knows how it feels when your 18-year-old kid goes to jail...

I apologize to everyone that does not like this discussion and wants to end it. But I think all of you guys are swell, and I love hearing your opinions.


[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 1-27-2001 00:52 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 01:21 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Hey, I like you message!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 04:32 AM
 Re: Save The Last Dance

Do you remember that one of the main goals of ths program was cultural experience? This topic proves that we did gain a lot of cultural experience: to accnowledge the racial differences (I would have never known what a big issue this can be), to feel like a "foreigner", to be "different".
I am glad to have came here, and not only because it made me grow up from a cultural poit of view, but also because I met a lot of new, different people: white, black, Chinese, Nigerians etc.
I am also glad to have met YOU: the ACCELS students - all bright, interesting, funny...
Even if we will go back to our countries, we'll still remain friends, at least some of us.

With the best wishes,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 05:03 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
u wanted this. as long as u think i am racist,even though i don't think i am, here u r:

Nig-ger (nig'er)n. An African jungle anthropoid ape of the primate family pongidae (superfamily cercopithecoidea). Imported to the United States as slave labor in the late 1700's-1800's, these wild creatures now roam freely while destroying the economic and social infrastructures of America and various other nations. These flamboyant sub-humans love to consume large quantities of greasy fried chicken

This page is dedicated to the victims of Black Hate Crimes.
FBI statistics on interracial crime
White crimes against Blacks Black crimes against Whites
Rape 100 20,204
Robbery 7,031 167,924
Assault 49,800 431,670


One good book put out by the US Government census bureau is the "Statistical Abstracts of the United States" In every negative category, Niggers lead the way. They also have a web site at

1/2 of all the New Aids cases last year involved Niggers.
68 percent of unmarried teens with babies are niggers
66 percent of all niggers are born out of wedlock
1/2 of our inmates are niggers
Yet niggers only make up 12.5% of the USA Population

The statistics go on and on. Do you see a pattern?

Its interesting to note that Niggers have the greatest variance in their DNA than any other group. In fact they have a greater variance than all other groups of humans combined.

Ranging from the Pygmies to the Air Jordan's, its obvious they have the greatest variance in their DNA. And this has been proven over and over by the Human Genome project. What a greater variance means is, they are less evolved. Some scientists feel they are 200,000 years behind whites in evolution. Ask a genetics professor, this is well known in the genetics field. Its just not a "politically correct" thing for them to talk about.

Don't let the liberals make you feel guilty about niggers. For the first 2/3rds of the slave trading business in Africa, it was run and controlled by blacks. They raided villages, kidnapping and selling their own people to slave traders, just like they sell their own women on street corners today, for crack and cheap wine. Niggers have no morals, and that is supported by the fact that 66% are born out of wedlock.

Niggers are damn lucky some of them made it to the USA, where they have modern luxuries, modern medical care, modern housing (unlike the mud huts similar to what beavers build that they live in, in Africa).

Whites travel to Africa to fight Ebola, Aids and all the other nigger virus's that come from living in sin, yet niggers still call us "Honkey". Niggers have a lot to thank whites for, never in 200,000 years of evolution, would they be able to develop a civilized society on their own. Just like the monkeys at the zoo, the more you feed them, the more accustomed they come to believing they deserve it. And get violent to get what they want, thinking its their God given right to have the peanuts.

Wake up America and Smell the Nigger!
I am a firm believer in the people. If given the truth, they can be depended upon to meet any national crisis. The great point is to bring them the real facts, and beer.

-- Abraham Lincoln

I can conceive of no greater calamity than the assimilation of the negro into our social and political life as our equal...

- President Abraham Lincoln August 14,1862

From Lincoln-Douglas Debate, published by Haldeman-Julius Company, Girard, Kansas 1923

I agree with Judge Douglas that he (Negroes) is not my equal in many respects, certainly not in color, and perhaps not in moral and intellectual endowment. - Abraham Lincoln Page 81

I have no purpose to produce political and social equality. I am not in favor of making voters or jurors of Negroes or of qualifying them to hold office or allowing them to intermarry with white people...I have never had the least apprehension that I or my friends would marry Negroes, even if there was no law to keep them from it...I will, to the very last, stand by the law of this state which forbids the marrying of white people with Negroes. - Abraham Lincoln Page 44

I have no purpose to introduce political and social equality between the white and black races. There is a physical difference between the two, which, in my judgment, will forever forbid their living together in perfect equality: and inasmuch as it becomes a necessity that there should be a difference, I, as well as Judge Douglas, am in favor of the race to which I belong having the supremacy. - Abraham Lincoln Page 80

From The Collected works of Abraham Lincoln, published 1953, Rutgers University Press in eight volumes.

Vol. II Pages 405-409 (Speech at Springfield, Illinois - June 26, 1857.

Judge Douglas has said to you that he has not been able to get me to answer the question whether I am in favor of Negro citizenship. So far as I know, the Judge never asked me the question before (applause) He shall have no occasion to ever ask it again, for I tell him very frankly that I am not in favor of Negro citizenship. (renewed applause)...Now my opinion is that the different states have the power to make a Negro a citizen under the Constitution of the United States if they choose...If the state of Illinois had that power I should be opposed to the exercise of it. (cries of "good," "good," and applause) - Abraham Lincoln

Vol. II, page 281

Speech at Peoria, Illinois, October 16, 1854

In the course of his reply, Senator Douglas remarked, in substance, that he had always considered this government was made for the white people and not for the Negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so, too. - Abraham Lincoln

Vol. III, page 399 Notes for speeches, September 1859

Negro equality! Fudge!! How long, in the government of a God, great enough to make and maintain this Universe, shall there continue knaves to vend, and fools to gulp, so low a piece of demagoguism as this? - Abraham Lincoln


If I thought this war was to abolish slavery, I would resign my commission and offer my sword to the other side" ?
General U.S. Grant 1862


'Nothing is more certainly written in the book of fate than that these people 'the negroes' are to be free. Nor is it less certain that the two races, equally free, cannot live in the same government. Nature, habit, opinion has drawn indelible lines of distinciton between them' -
Thomas Jefferson in his autobiography

Why Do White Women F*ck Niggers?

Let me first start off saying.. Niggers don't even like themselves, thats why they like fat white women. Even a fat white woman, is better looking than a fat nigger !.

They will pick a 400LB fat(white)woman from the most beautiful race on earth over another nigger-sapian chic 9 times out of 10. They know their own race is so pathetic its not even worth breeding with.

From what I have observed women who f*ck niggers are usually 1 or many of the following

Mentally Ill
Suffer from Low Self Esteem
Women know niggers will f*ck anything, and they don't have to worry about being rejected from a nigger knowing that.(these pictures prove anything is better looking than a nigger)
So they can feel relaxed around someone they know is inferior to them(non-white) When is the last time you saw a white woman with a nigger who had a smile on her face?

The fact is, niggers have no soul, and are not capable of love. Because of those facts, its impossible for a nigger to make any woman happy.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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