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27-Jan-2001 06:42 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Hey, Casper, watch your mouth! I think I am better in understanding racists than those who don't respect women. You're talking about women as if all women are b***s who don't care who they f*** with. You are completely wrong, dude! And if you really think so than you are no more than a jerk, an idiot! Would you think that about your mother? I wonder if you have a sister and if yes would you think that about her? If yes, then I can tell one thing: All the problems you have are in you, not in what black people do or how they behave, not in the reason of why white women date with black men, there is something happening just in your brain, may be someone hurt you badly. Open your eyes! Look at world differently!
Women just have a heart, unlike some people like you! You don't even know what it is to be a woman, and how much pride you need to be a woman. Let me remind you, that it's not women who are ready to jump in bed with any man, while man don't care who they are with, and a prostitute (sorry for the language) is just fine for them whenever they need a body! (I deeply apologize to other men in this portal and whoever reads this, because I don't think that all men are like that, as I already said, I don't like generalising from the behavoir of some representatives of somethig).
So, Casper, why don't you just shut the f*** up and don't ever again say that kinda things. If you don't respect women, respect your mother at least, and don't say that all women are b***s just in respect of your mother - she is a woman, too. If you don't respect women, you don't respect the whole world. In Persian there is a proverb: "Bihisht dar zeri poi modaron" which means that mothers are much higher in honor than paradise (It's considered to be the greates honor to go to paradise in the life after death - that would mean you were a great person, but mother is given even more respect than the whole paradise), and how could you say that about woman, when your mother is a part of them, too.
I don't know who you the hell you are, but beleive me, before you posted the last message I respected you, in spite of your being a racist. Because I don't even have to know people to respect them - I respect them just for being a human, I think it's a great honor being a human. But I can't respect people who don't respect me. I said being human is a great honor - yes I really think so, but sometimes it's much more honorable to be a pet, say a dog, then a particular kind of person, because dogs know what it is to be loyal, they know how to thank those who cared about them!

Wish you most of luck in gaining more respect towards the world, if you ever decide to do so!

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 1-27-2001 19:42 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 06:55 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Will you ever shut your big dirty and racist mouth or what???? I can't believe people like you still exist.
I wanted to drop the topic, but I guess you gotta learn your lesson. You said you won't change your opinion, why won't you let other people stay with theirs.
First of all, HOW DARE YOU bring quotes from Abraham Lincoln's works????????? You, the most ignorant and brainless person I have seen in my life. Have you noticed that most of your quotes are unfinished and/or could change the meaning once you bring in a context?? And don't you understand that bringing in statistics doesn't prove anything??? Have you ever in life heard about the difference of cause and correlation???? I don't think you should waste your time on it, it's better for you to work on your spelling...

don't you know what Darvin said??? that we all came from apes... so how's one type of ape better than the other one???

so, you are saying that I am mentally ill, fat, have a low-self esteem, etc...???? I don't have any doubts that my black boyfriend is capable of more love and can give me more love in just one night than you even have vocabulary to talk about love for just one hour!!
Good job, Kom, you were right, it takes a lot of patience to be a woman, and yeah, think of it in terms of you mother....

You know what???? Go get yourself some education, and I don't want to talk about this anymore. I don't know why the other students here are tolerating this. But after I'm finished, you'll be the only one, trying to persuade yourself that blacks are inferior. So, stay cool, we'll see who survives. Open your eyes, man, let your heart be kind, put whatever happened in your past behind you. You don't know on how much your missing out, casper, you really have no clue...

And shut your mouth before someone finds out about this (or I turn you in - mind you, I'm white and I won't be as nice to you as the black policeman) and you get your a.. busted!

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 1-27-2001 19:48 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 07:07 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
XA-XA-XAXA-XAXAXA!!! Nu, casper, ty i komik!
Ne znal chto sredi nas est' TAKIE deti!
Hey! Tebe v detsky sad nado, a ne v univer!
Ty smotri, dazhe facty gde-to raskopal, erudit! That's my boy!
Slysh', a chto ty boishsa sebya raskryt'? Voobsche-to pravil'no, a to by u vseh uvazhenie poteryal! Na smeh by podnyali!
Nu ty i chudo-prirody!
A ya-to s nim kak so vzroslym pytalsa razgovarivat'! Vot dite!
Daa-a.. Kak vse zapuscheno!
.."treated you like a friend"! Net nado zhe! Okazyvaetsa ya s nim esche i v Philadelphii byl!
The least thing I want from people is to treat me like a friend! I want them to be honest with me. I want real relatinship, not treatment! I want to BE a friend to people, not treat them! And I expect the same from them.
Net, ya ne serzhus' i ne obizhayus'. Kak na tebya obizhat'sa? Ty zh sam ne ponimaesh' o chem govorish'! Ty zh esche dumat' ne nauchilsa! Mozgami shevelit'!
Ty zh emotsional'no dite esche! U tebya chuvstva ne razvity! Ty zh na real'nost' dazhe vzglyanut' boish'sa! Zhivesh' v svoem malen'kom mirke zabitom stereotipami i illuziyami.
Hotya, tebe samomu mozhet eto uzhe nadoelo.
Esli tak, sbros' na mylo, potolkuem, esli ne boish'sa konechno!
A zdes' mne uzhe neintersno s toboy vremya izvodit' - bespolezno.
Izvinyay esli chto.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 08:07 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
u know what. honestly as u probably understood all that stuff is not my job. i mean i pasted it there however i just copied it from a site of racists to show u that there r people worser than me in terms of this stuff. i wanted to show u how some people hate those guys. my very first message was too abstract, & that's my fault. i did not really want u'all think that i am ignorant and that i am the real racist. several times i wanted to show u that i really in good relations with some of that black people. however the attitude of the black students in my univ. somehow make me dislike them. i just cannot understand them i honestly tried to be polite with them. but y they do not stop to show their asses. for ex.: most of them have never thanked me when i open the door for them. or at my work place i am suppoesed to help people with stuff and usually black guys do not appretiate that. they r doing the faces like i have to do that stuff. may be i have to but it is also their responsibility to thank a person for his or her service. these r minor stuff, but all these turns to be to a part that impressed me and built in me a stereo type for those people.
however i had told that i like those guys who has the same attitude to me that am showing them, without looking to any skin color or whatever.
that stuff that i had posted in my last message, i have not read it even myself. just alincho's words that she thinks i am a racist irretated me. it was stupid to do that, but i did it to make her some how angry. u r right nurbek that it looks like kinder garden.
so let me act as wise open minded person, and to prove that i am still CASPER-FRIENDLY GHOST.
guys, i am sorry all about that, if i made angry some of u, i appologize.
i accept that black people r not actually black, but they r white; i mean in their souls.
and i accept that u all right: i am the blackest person in the world.
anyway, i wish u all not to met "black" A/A's in your life. i wish y'all not been attacked by black criminals, or tried to be robbed by black thieves.
i wish to u alincho, happy relationship with ur black boyfriend.
i wish y'all to met just "white" A/A's, in order to in the future u would not been angry on them impressed by their disrespectful attitude toward u.
take care dudes.
and never mind of what i had told before.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 11:13 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
Man, hard to keep up with the *HOT* discussions, he-he )

To Alina:
Find a passage in one of your replies with a word
"rythm" and correct it for "rhythm". Sorry, can't help
it )))))))))) Correct me if you find a mistake, I'll
take it as an honor.

To Casper:
You're right in a way, amigo. But girls also have their
point, you can't argue. It's a tough issue to find a
simple solution to. That's why USA still lives with
this bleeding sore.

To X-Ray:
Yes, I've seen Instinct - STRONG MOVIE!!! I recommend
everyone to watch it. It's about apes... no, no, not
African Americans, the real apes, primates.

I don't wanna propagate too much on this issue. ok?

Blacks (just like any other races) have their good and
bad representatives. I've met not so many of them to
judge absolutely. But mainly they are the main reason
of their being segregated, it's them who are always
hanging out with AA's, separating from the "club". Same
story with Koreans here. It's not that they're
COMPLETELY alienate themsleves, but they tend to have
tighter relations among each other. That's it. Come
over to Atlanta and take a look at our downtown. You'll
be disgusted just as I was - IT'S ALL BLACK and not
only that, it's DIRTY!! They must find strength in
themselves to raise above the scum. Why didn't all
those street junkies go to school in a proper time?
Why did they rather choose living a "gansta" life
somewhere downtown. What are they doing? Coming up to
you offering a golden chain? Take a look at indians
and chinese (and others eventually) - they are working
their tails off, but at least they do pursue a career
even a lowest one, being a clerk, but they don't sit
out on the street trying to stick to their "neighborhood" and be closer to "ma brutha".

Oh yeah, their stance certainly appeals to most of us
as we just consider it to be something of an odd
nature. I admit I consider it to be quite funny, too.
Their speech tone, their gestures, their LANGUAGE, for
God's sake! They separated even their language away
from a generic American English, even further than the
Texan accent is from Bostonian. They did it with their
own hands. Why? Hell knows, Hell cares. It's just that
all the USA is trying to pull them out of their
so-called "ghetto" and "neighborhood", but they are
so persistently (like a bull) rejecting it and keeping
up with their own way. Moreover, they then start
whining and "excercising their rights", just because
a white policeman (I won't say "cop") shoots a black
guy, coz he thought the guy had a gun. That's a
stereotype AA'a have so carefully built over the years.

I can't think of a better example for them than my own
home country Kazakhstan. We have quite a bunch of
various nationalities, but WE ALL LIVE PEACFULLY. Did
you ever see, say, Koreans (sorry Val, can't find
better example) crowding together all the time, hanging
out on the streets alltogether every time, calling each
other niggaz and not letting anyone else call them this
way. Would you then accept them peacefully? As for me,
I am glad that we are free of any prejudice there.
Val is equally a "brother" for me as would any russian,
ukrainian, uzbek, dungan, uigur or anyone else be in
Kazakhstan. I even didn't find this kind of
open-mindedness in Ukraine (from what I've heard from
Rus). Maybe I'm wrong, but the fact is still a hot
topic in the "land of freedom".

I wanna keep talking, but I'm not in the mood to
debate, sorry guys. Maybe later I'll catch up.
Otherwise everything's cool, life goes on. Latinoes, niggaz, chinos, and even us are all still people.

Keep the faith and


[ This message was edited by: YErkiN on: 1-26-2001 08:17 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

27-Jan-2001 11:23 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance
This damn topis is growing like a... oh, never mind.

I can't keep up with it just because I can't fin time to read all the replies. Once thing I could mention, though, is that "brutha CASPER" really lacks some English grammar, as well as vocab and spelling.

Sorry girls and boys, in this case I really don't feel like I want to correct his mistakes, coz there's too many of them - I'd have to spend my whole semester doing this.

Alright, whatever. Black guys, huh... well, maybe I was wrong. DON'Y LEAVE PEACEFULLY!!! KEEP ARGUING AND EVEN KILLING YOURSELVES!!! Peace is a regressive sensation, people should never reach it. Wars and conflicts is what brought victories and prevailance and eventually PROGRESS!!!

Ain't that right?..
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

29-Jan-2001 11:26 PM
 Re: Save The Last Dance

[ This message was edited by: Erlen on: 1-26-2001 22:56 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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