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14-Jan-2001 02:01 AM
  Happy Old New Year Guys!!!!!!!
Hi everybody!!!!!!!!!Yeah.....Old New Year......Hope you all still remember about it...well i do...and don't know about you all, but i really love it...If anyone does then have fun and enjoy Old New Year!!!!!...Wish you everything "real" and "sweet" !!!!No disappointments...Happy life with very seldom sadness..O.k,guess enough...Just wish you all meaningful and not ordinary, boring life!!!!Take care,Nino.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Jan-2001 05:30 AM
 Re: Happy Old New Year Guys!!!!!!!
Happy Old New Year to U 2. and to everybody else..
Take care. Ratmir
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Jan-2001 09:04 PM
 Re: Happy Old New Year Guys!!!!!!!
Thanx dear!
I actually forgot about that holiday. Don't remeber how i spent it; but anyway i think that's good holiday too.
love, Aisuluu
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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