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18-Dec-2001 06:56 PM
 Re: FSA
Vah, Lianna?

barev dzez, zdraste, zdorovenki buli, gamarjoba,,,
privet koroche... ;o)

Lianchik jan ya rabotau v HI(Hostelling International). v site vse est esli interesno mojesh posmotret, tak ty bystree poimesh chem esli ya budu raskazivat tut... ;o)

a ty sama to otkuda? znachit ty vse eto vremya chitala chitala chitala i daje nichego ne pisala? ai ai ai kak ne xorosho kaaaaaaaaak ne xorosho....

Ladno , budem zhdat otveta...

a eto vam kstati... url>

nu ladno, poka... pishi... [ This message was edited by: GAZON_ZASEYAN on: 12-17-2001 21:01 ]
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

19-Dec-2001 09:01 AM
 Re: FSA
hi, everybody)
for those who do not know, I am Masha from Ukraine, FSA 2001. i am SO SO HAPPY to see new people here- nice to meet you!!!!
posmotrim teper', naverno ya skoro naznachu kogoto svoim preemnikom/nicei - xranitelem chata i portala )
eto togo kto tut v chate budet viset' po 6 chasov v den'(i mean v noch)))
a poka ya tam proveryayu Upenn1 directory, vse tut tusuyutsa ) a posty pochemu o tol'ko starye alumni osavluayut - naverno opya bol'she ))
anyway, i am very happy to welcome here new people and will be very happy if you kogda nibud' pob'ete rekord moei mechty, kogda u nas v chate bylo stol'ko lyudei, chto v spiske of cha participants byl scroll lock!!! we've seen that, remeber? ))
one more thing: I am environmental science major - just in case anybody needs any advice on that, prety please, feel free to email me on
s nastupayuschim vas Novym godom i Rojdestvom!!!!
love everybody,
vasha masha
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

20-Dec-2001 11:26 PM
 Re: FSA
privetiki, people!! smotru narod idet potihon'ku, eto raduet.;o) u vseh proshu proschenia za dolgoe molchanie, chto-to vse ne poluchalos'.. ndaa. mozhet prosto len' bylo, sama ne znau.)
kak vy, kak ucheba, rabota, pogoda, zdorov'e, natroenie?? ;o)))
ia vas vseh ochen' lublu!!
vasha Olka
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

22-Dec-2001 03:11 AM
 Re: FSA
hey, waz up? gde vse?? pochemu vse molchat?
pozdrav'te menia! u menia segodnia byl poslednyi den' v shkole! teper' kanikuly!! urrrra!!! ) chto eto znachit..? xmm.. oops, priehali.. eto znachit, chto ia poshla otmechat'!!!
vsem vsego! vseh lublu!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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