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06-Oct-2001 06:17 AM
 Re: FSA
Hi Lana,

I suppose you are the Svitlana from GVSU. :-) I am glad you joined us finally, and hope you will spread the abroadplanet among your FSA friends too.
As you know, I was a business major, so feel free to contact me if you need any help. You know my e-mail already.
Well hope you are doing okay.
Take care, ne propadai.

P.S. Taras teper ti propal..
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

07-Oct-2001 12:01 AM
 Re: FSA
Nana, ya nikuda ne propal, prosto tak zabegalsa, mnogo delov, i vsakogo takogo. HOpe ya all dun fine M
talk to you later.
P.S. Nice to see me faces (read nicknames) in here.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

07-Oct-2001 06:56 AM
 Re: FSA
Hello, Lana!

So glad you have finally found the way to this portal. There were a lot of students with business major last year. I am one of them, accounting in particular. So, feel free to contact me in case you need some advice or help. My e-mail is either or

Greetings, Proper
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

30-Oct-2001 02:09 PM
 Re: FSA
u no, kinda glad I found you...FSA FLEX student, one of the " luckiest" u know... well, have no clue where this " special" chat is- I'm either in or in ,tam nashyh nebagato, ale diaspora nochamy sydyt'... shaslyvo!!!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

30-Oct-2001 09:55 PM
 Re: FSA
Hey people,
Meet Mareeny, she is FLEX from Lutsk, Ukraine. Be nice to the younger sista!
Have fun, Me
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

26-Nov-2001 10:48 PM
 Re: FSA
hi from older flex alumni. i'm joining your brotherhood as an alumnus of 1995. it's a great idea to have a flex students chat. Greetings to those whom i know - i believe i know all Moscow and Moscow region flex students and more. Hope to see you online, guys.
by the way Shevchuk is giving a concert in Chicago on Dec. 14th.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

26-Nov-2001 11:16 PM
 Re: FSA
Hey, guys! how is it going? )hope you are alright.
ohh, you are already here,, do you recognize me, huh? So, what do ya think about Dec., 2
are you going to have dinner in Frankenmuth? hope i can meet ya there! Hey, we'll have another opportunity to discuss GLOBAL problems with our f*cking mexican friends..)
do miss them, hun?
Oh, Francisco, went to Mountain Plaesunt with me and some other students that day.. We became friends, can you believe it?? He's f*cking funny guy! Trust me!)
Alright, hope to hear from ya soon.
P.S zapevai Chervonu Rutu! )
yours, Olka
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

26-Nov-2001 11:22 PM
 Re: FSA
Hey there! wazzup, Marat?
How are you doing? Listen, is it for sure, that Shevchuk is coming? 'cause maybe .. i don't know.. what about tikets, when can i buy them? maybe I and Ann will go to the concert..)
I was in Detriot this weekend! Ohh, God, it's really dirty city..
Did ya receive that letter with pictures from Moscow? i really hope so. I haven't heard from ya for a while.. ) hope, you can improve the situation, huh?
oh, sure! I have met that girl, Marina, you told me about her, remember. Yea, she is really nice.)
catch ya later, Olka
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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