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02-Dec-2001 12:37 AM
 Re: FSA
"Mertvye s kosami vdol dorog stoyaaat, ...."
Ne nu vy cho v nature poumirali vse sholi. Celyi den nikogo v chate! Ehh, a tak ne hotelosa uchitsa, no vot prishlosa, i vinoy etomy VYYYYYY!
Ladno, poshel dalshe uchitsa, a to esho vdrug ktoto poyavitsa, i davay tut govori s nim/neyu
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

02-Dec-2001 02:40 AM
 Re: FSA
Uzhe USHY polat ot tishyny!! Nu hot by odna rozha pokazalasa sholi!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

02-Dec-2001 08:01 AM
 Re: FSA
yeap, Taras, you are coming back to the matherland for New Year???? COOL! I have smth to suggest, namely: U-grads of 2000-2001 are arranging a trip the KARPATY for the New Year Eve, for a few days! Of course, other guys who wonna join are welcome. Anyway, man, and others who are on this side of the ocien!!! you may come with us - we will have as much fun as we had in DC before going home!!!

For the summer: if somebody knows Vasek Zakharov (my roommate in UPenn!) - Vasek lives in Kerch and he invites everybody to come there in summer. No problems with place to stay or anything else! Think now, propose, and let's meet!!!

One more thing: Mikola's B/DAY is today! Congratulations, bro! Murrey ruuuulllllleeeeeezzzzzzzzzzzzz! Best wishes, man! See you soon (and wait for the present ))

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

02-Dec-2001 04:23 PM
 Re: FSA
Happy Bday Mykola, have a lot of fun and VODKA! Ya dazhe vchera za teba pil, pravda ne znal chty za teba pyu do segodneshnego utra!
Proper! GDE V KARPATAH VY BUDETE???? Blin! Zayezhayte vo Lvov! Hto tam budet s Alumnie? Davaysa chuty! Ya s udovolstviyem podyedu na denok, vtoroy, no navernoye na 31-1 ne smogu, ya vsotaki yedu v parentsam, i provesti New Year hochu s nimi! Davno otca uzhe ne videl, vtoroy god poshel. TOo fucking bad.
NU ok, napishy mne detalno kakie u vas plany, i gde vy budete, I HTO budet! DEvushek poboshe shoby s soboy vzhali hehehe, aight? Esli kakiyeto suggestions nuzhny po povodu Karpat, sprashyvayte, mozhet choto tam posovetovat smogu.
Vso, mena nema.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

02-Dec-2001 11:16 PM
 Re: FSA
Lyudi, cheloveki!!!!
Vse te kto uge bil i escho est here(USA). I NEED HELP. Mne nado naiti internship a ya bez ponyatiya s chego nachinat i voobshe chto k chemu. Time is going on and on (((
Skagite kak vi nashli svoi internship,a?
Ok gotta go now, damn finals!!!
PS Kstati chat pustoi i seichas , ne delo!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

03-Dec-2001 06:36 AM
 Re: FSA
About Internships
Dear Irina, I bet each and everyone of us was scared at some point that he/she wouldn't find an internship. But we all did. Except one person had lotsa problems. Remember Kiril Zuykov, aka Commander??? Anyway. Here's the deal, babe. If your field of study is Economics, you should be looking for it in the Administrative offices, Controller, TReasurer, something like that. If you're in Journalism and Communication, you'd better ask around in the school newspaper or the school radio station. Plain logic but one thing here you don't always have to wait for job announcements. You just have to ask around in the places you're interested in. Hopefully all the crap I said can be useful
Nice to meet you, BTW.
PS. Proper, health is ok, but not much has changed...
PPS. ARTURIK????? I can't believe you're a MODERATOR!!!! Neo trusts you I guess, and you should be commanded BTW, we had a kef, the day before, me, Ashot, Davo, LYov, Karen, Anna Aramyan, Diana, Sato (she's Haik's girlfriend now, Kti 4rd hoski ham el kez shat jerm barevum er, Manuk@ ev eli mi kani mard we had fun, ko kenatsn el xmel enk akanjt kanchi

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 12-3-2001 07:30 ]
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

03-Dec-2001 03:42 PM
 Re: FSA
Alincho, jana, thank you za reply ;), ya pravda busiknes major no vse ravno, nadaeyus prigoditsya. Ti sluchaino ne bila na orientatsii v erevane v etom godu? Ya nikak ne mogu vspomnit, a emails vsex tex kto mne dali na orientatsii ya ostavila doma (ochen umno ;)
Nu ok guys
Take care
Vsem nineshnim FSA uvidemsya v Washningtone
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

03-Dec-2001 04:07 PM
 Re: FSA
Ty sho armyanka?????? Net menya ne bylo na orientatsii, I wasn't very healthy then...
Anyway, hope you find the damn internship.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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