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05-Dec-2001 04:17 PM
 Re: FSA
Gm, damn it, who in hell did teach you ukrainian?? ;) You did a nice job, though did not get the last part correctly. Anyways, i am impressed!!!!!!!!!!
Ok, hope you people are doing ok. It really looks like this forum is getting Armenianised Hey Ukies!! Help me OUT!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

05-Dec-2001 06:41 PM
 Re: FSA
hayer jan ! tak derjhat'
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 07:23 AM
 Re: FSA
Privet vsem
Taras jan, believe me, any place, where there are more than 2 armenians, becomes armenianized in a short time period Pomnyu ty kak to raz sam skazal chto my vezdesushie . Eto nasha natsional'naya cherta-survival However, I would kindly ask all my sootechestvennikov, ne gruzit' predstaviteley durgix natsiy, osobenno ukraintsev, oni mne nravyatsa This much about Armenians and our language.
Irusik jan, znakomsya skoko xochesh'... Anri ne FSA, on prosto xoroshiy armyanskiy paren' my s nim poznakomilis' v DC, during the wrap-up conference. I tell ya, he's fun If you're in DC, make sure to call him.
Tak-tak-tak.... Just to give you an idea. Have you guys ever participated in a Debate Tournament??? Well, here in Yerevan, the lumni of FSA FLEX hava tradition. on Dec. 29-30th we're having our 3rd Annual Armenian Alumni Debate Tournament. Why don't you guys, Ukrainians, Tajiks, Uzbeks, doesn't really matter, I'm sure you have resort cities too , organize smth like that. I can give you ideas for topics and stuff.

Let me see, what else is new??? Not much.. I guess gotta go now. Privet vsem
PS. Proxodimets jan, a chyo ty ne zaydesh' ko mne v gosti i s det'mi poznakomlyu u gotografii posmotrim... A gde eto ty uslyshal kak ya govoryu po ispanski. Dime toda la verdad, chico
PPS Taras jan, can you tell me the correct translation of the part that I didn't get right??? Pleeeeeease
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 01:29 PM
 Re: FSA
Privet jan,
Alina, ya tebya znal kogda ty byla v amerike, no ya ochen stesnyalsya podoiti k tebe, ya prosto sidel i slushal kak ty govorish po angliski, ispanski, armyanski, ruski, italyanski, japonski, kitaiski i koreiski... a shas, a shas... a shas ya prosto sobralsya silami, i reshil tebe napisat...

vot tak vot :-)

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 02:13 PM
 Re: FSA
ty tam chtoto govoril po Ukrainksi,,, ya ne znau chto takoe CHIKI PYKI po ukrainski...

) ;o)
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 06:25 PM
 Re: FSA
Gazon, calm down, ne kipatis'a, a to seroye veshestvo isparitsa, a ono OYYY kak mozgam nuzhno! Rezat budet kolbasy pirochinnym nozhykom ok? Protiv arman nikto nicho ne govoril, vo vsakom sluchaye ya. A CHIKI PYKI eto internacionalnoye slovo, posmotri v perevod Aliny mozhet poymosh chto k chemu. OK?
Take it easy.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 06:33 PM
 Re: FSA
Alina, vtoruyu chast tazhelo ponat, tak kak eto neliteraturnyi Ukrainskiy, a dialekt, dazhe ne znayu kakoy Tak tolko po selah rozgavarivayut. A zonachayet ono doslovno "tak vot kak eto Armane delayut, i togda vso budet Chiki Pyki :0) nu toest "shutko-kryto". A tak molodec, vidno chto leto v Krymu provela Keep up the good work,
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

06-Dec-2001 06:59 PM
 Re: FSA
Taras, da raslabsya ty, lol nikto tebya rezat ne sobiraetsya... ty luchshe KBH smotri, vmesto togo chtob sovetovat ludyam perevodit "CHIKI PYKI" , lol, togda poimesh v chem delo...

a kolbasu ya ne lublu, poetomu ne znau kak ee rezat nado perachinnim ili kakim, tak chto esli delo doidet do etogo, ya tebya v gosti priglashu... kolbasu rezat.

ty by nam luchshe anekdot raskazal by kakoinit...

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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