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11-Feb-2001 11:37 PM
na etu stat'yu ya segodnya natknulas'... po moyemu uje ne stoit govorit' shto nichego nel'zya sdelat' - mojno, prosto net vremeni i mesta dlya pessimizma. tol'ko ya ne umeyu delat' link [ This message was edited by: musliba on: 2-12-2001 00:35 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 12:54 AM
 Re: Tajikistan
hey, is this really true, or it is a little bit exagerrated. coz i have read many articles about my country on net, and i can say that the most of them r not true.
the stuff i read in that article, is not believable much, but i don't know....
if it is kinda true than i have nothing to say, but to wish good luck
plz. answer me honestly coz i want to know about your region more.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 05:11 AM
 Re: Tajikistan
God!!! I don't know what to say. I haven't thought about it that deeply... But unfortunately I gotta admit this might be true (I've never been so unhappy to admitt something, no matter what, as I am to admitt this). I live in the capital, and I don't know much about the countriside... I mean I know, people said it's hard to live their, but I've never lived their myself. I know life is difficult in the capital too, but... I guess it's true. I've also read a lot of articles that weren't true (that's mainly about political situation and about fightings going on, which wasn't true)... This article almost made me cry, that's all I can say. I have never felt language to be so poor to describe what I feel, what I wanna say.
Sorry Casper, can't clearly answer your question... But seems like true. Unfortunately the poeple who trick others (so that those others wouldn't even notice it) exist, and in my country their lots of them, and that affects people... that's the way it is, and it hurts so bad.

Sorry if the message is somehow meaningless and makes no sense, or has vague meaning... it's just all I could think about at the moment.


[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 2-12-2001 06:08 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 08:44 AM
 Re: Tajikistan
Vam shock nuzhen?
Chto ne veritsa chto takoe mozhet byt' na samom dele? Esli vy etogo ne videli, ne znachit, chto etogo net. Hotite factov?
Da eto obycnoe delo v sredneaziatskih stranah. Stolitsa protsvetaet, a provintsia zagibaetsa.
Ludi pekut hleb iz otrubey, rabotayut dnyami i nochami za groshi, chtoby nakormit' distroficheskih detey. Na segodnyashni den' v Kyrgyzstane srednyaya zarplata $7 i eto esche normal'no, na hleb hvatit.
A vy videli mat' prodayuschuyu svoyu dochku na bazare, tol'ko chtoby dat' ey shans vyzhit'? A otsa semeystva s protyanutoy rukoy tol'ko potomu chto ne komu emu dat' rabotu? A semyi bezhentsev iz sosedey strany zhivushie na ulitse i raduyuschiesa etomu, tak kak doma boeviki vyrezayut tselye sela, vklyuchaya starikov, detey i beremennyh zhenshin.
A v eto vremya v stolitse na kazhdom shagu mersy, yuvelirnye magaziny, evrosupermarkety..
Da i tam seychas tugo - Uzbekistan gaz za nedoplatu po mirovym tsenam perekryl posredi zimy. Million ludey greyutsa u electrplitok, u kogo est', i to horosho, a ved' i electrichestvo mogut obrezat'.
Koneschno koe komu po fene vse eto, zhivut sebe v osobnyakah so vsemi udobstvami, v us ne duyut.
Ya ponimayu shto mnogie hotyat v Ameriku. Nu a komu hochetsa s diplomom fizika-yaderschika rabotat' storozhem na stoyanke ili dvornikom?

..Hotya zachem vam eto znat'? Vam eto ne svetit.
Na krayni sluchay perevodchikom vsegda mozhno ustroitsa. Da i v shtaty mozhno pri sluchae uehat'. Ved' nam zhe "nichego ne izmenit'", ne tak li?
Uzh luchshe ne dumat' obo vsem etom. Spokoynee. Da i o karyere nuzhno pozabotit'sa, o buduschem svoem. Zachem lishnie volneniya, trevogi? Vse ravno vse tak zhe i ostanetsa, my NICHEGO NE IZMENIM.
A to chto kto-to suetitsa, nam do etogo dela net, posuetyatsa i utihnut, a ne utihnut - utihomiryat.
Nam nado ob uchebe podumat' - ekzamen skoro, da i paper nado pisat'.. U nas karyera vperedi! O ney nuzhno pozabotitsa!

A chto tam doma tvoritsa.. da ladno! V Afrike von deti tozhe golodayut!!

[ This message was edited by: X_Ray on: 2-12-2001 06:57 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Feb-2001 02:36 PM
 Re: Tajikistan
Nu vot sideli mi i vsyo discussed da discussed the message from Marina...
Nu a potom vse utixli. Eto pochemu????????? Ya nikak nepoymu, daje statyi ka rodnaya strana golodayet, ili kak doma demonstrantov byut ne sposobni nashix rebyat rasshevelit'??? Kto to boitsa chto v Uzbekistane svet viklyuchat??? Ya bi vam rasskazala kak nam v Armenii zhilos' 2 goda bez sveta bez gaza bez vodi, a gaza yeshcho netu i neyasno kogda budet... Ya bi vam rasskazala chto znachit 2-3 zimi kajdiy den' v pal'to lozhitsa spat'... Da chto tam rasskazivat'. Vsem tugo prixoditsa, odnim bol'she, drugim men'she....No odni posle etogo sidyat, nazad smotryat i govoryat "kak xorosho chto shyas luchshe" a drugiye vsyo nedovol'ni, vsyo xotyat bol'shego dostich', zhizn' pomoch' uluchshit'.... Neblagodarniye kakiye!!! Nebos' bol'shinstvo tak dumayete? A ya net... I don't get it... How can you hurt and not do anything?? Yesli kto udarit, nekiye otklonyayutsa, a nekotoriye otklonyayutsa i v otvet byut.....Nikak ne poymu, eto odna ya chto li takaya agressivnaya?????? Ili drugiye passivniye???
Vi izvinite yesli ya kogo to obidela, I don't mean too.
But it's about time to grow up, to open your eyes on the world and be more than you think you can be....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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