Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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14-Aug-2001 11:44 PM
  Bratve ot Artura
Kuda propali blya. An'ka v 10:30 zhdy zvonka, masha budit u menya, timka ti zvoni v 11:00 Vse ostal'niye podozhdite do zavtra, nimogu zhe ya v konce koncov. ladno shutki v storonu, rebyat vi kogda zaxodite syuda v chat tozhe zaxodite da. A Denis blya propal kuda to, xorosho shto ya s Mashey ha-ha ladno, ni propodayte blya a to mne zdes' uzhe delat' nechego, skol'ko mozho v pool igrat' i vidiki smotret' s inostrancami blya. xotya segodnya vecherom mozhno i sexom pozanimat'sya.
Lyublyu vsex osobenno xoroshix raschosok .
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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