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01-Mar-2001 05:36 PM
  Who wants to stay? ;-)
Hey, guys, does anyone know how to certify the finances? Do you just give them the number of your bank account or give a paper certified by a bank official? And what are the procedures of applying for a student loan? Maybe someone knows the statistics for rejections when applying for F-1 visa from Ukraine after J-1 status? Does anyone have a friend, who managed to stay, you can refer me with my questions? ;)

'preciate it
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 05:54 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)
Youve got no chances to do that, especially now and in Ukraine.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 08:18 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)
I knew a guy who was here with ACCELS programme, and then came back... Now he got a job in Germany, and lives there. BTW, he's ukrainian. I knew a girl from Kazakhstan, who was here with ACCELS programme, went back home changed her visa and cme back right away.
So, Gene, there is a way to do that. If you are sure you have enough money, you just go to your international students office and ask for addmissin form a an intern. student to stay in that University. They'll give it to you. There is a question on that form, how you would pay for your education and stay there. They have to make sure that you have enough money not only for paying for your education, but also that you have enough money for your living. Your financial condition must be certified. If you have enough money on your own account, then you will need official certificate from your bank telling that you have enough money. If you gonna get financial aid from your parents, indicate that, and still officially certify, that they have that much money. Or, if you think you can stay here, and pay for your education and living by working, or if your parents can help you, but you can't prove it officially, then there is another way... Go to some company in Ukraine. All you need is a fake document telling that they will support you financially. Well, the document would be real (I mean all the needed signatures and stamps), but they wouldn't have to pay for you, and that would be your agreement with the company (it might need to be officially signed there). So that would be how to deal wth the financial question.
Now about the visa. When you get admission from your University, upon your request they'll give you a document stating that you are the student of that university. Go home, apply for F-1 visa, atach the certificate telling that you are admitted to a US college as a student, and indicate that you will fullfill your 2 year home residency requirement after you complete your education in the States. As far as I know, in most cases they will obtain you the visa.

I hope this helps you.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 10:00 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)
I dunno what u r talking guys, but i just wanted to make some comments on Roxy's topics.
U, Roxy, r full of fun and great ideas. I v kakogo ti takaya poshla!? Mne tvoi advises na schet roomates ponravilos; eto tebe naverno amerikanki-witches predlojili,da?
Tak derjat Roxy!
kstati v TJMax ya videla t-shirt s tvoim nick "Roxy"!! Esli budesh prodoljat vot v takom duhe, kuplyu ya sebe etu futbolku s tvoim imenem i zeliey den budu v nem, as a fan of your topics, and letters!! =)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 10:13 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)
Ice, thnx dear...
I actually don't remember what I said about roommates, but all the witches that I could find here were American... Well, you know... we r in America, what kinda witches I had to find else? )
A na schet futbolki - KUPI NE RAZDUMYVAYA )))
Budu khvastat'sya chto kto nosit futbolku s moim imenem i v v moyu chest' . A esli ty eyo peredumaesh' nosit', to poshli eyo mne vmeste so schetom (budu khvastat'sya chto eyo vypustili v moyu chest' ;o)).
Da esli ty vse taki eyo budesh' nosit', to sfotkaysya v ney i postni v svoem al'bome, budu lyubovat'sya .

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 10:25 PM
 Re: Who wants to stay? ;-)

I am doing my internship with an Graduate Admission Commision.
Any application designed for foreign students contains a special attachement, called "Financial certification form". They need this to make sure that you do have the money necessary to continue your studies.
Basically, any bank statement that ceritfies how much money do you (or your sponsor) have on the account at that moment might serve as financial certification.
Usualy when they evaluate this information, they take in consideration the estimated amount of money needed for an year, and compare this to the amount of money from the account. To be considered "able to cover the tuition fees and the living expenses", you (or your sponsor) need to have at least $3000 (for an year) or as much as the specific Admission Office needs.
You can get this information from the Admission office of the University you are considering for applying to.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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