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27-Mar-2001 10:29 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
CHRISTIANS?!??!!?!!!!.... Are you kidding me?????....
What the heck are christians doing on the Panama City Biyatch?.. Come on, they ain't no christians, they've screwed you. No self-respecting christian would ever go to an absolutely unholy place like this. Perhaps these church-guys have also get envolved in some lusting? The Lord must be outraged. Burn the sinners!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

28-Mar-2001 04:40 AM
 Re: Panama City Beach
Hey guys!
1. pipl who didn't get it(if they really didn't),
just email me.
2. didn't read all the verses, but hopefully they r
right words; i think u got it.
3. is ShaGGy and Ruslito the same person?
4. Kstati Ira, pro detey ne sprashivay. Nu da crazy
life, i man's butt nikajdi den uvidish(shuchu).
Ne dumayu chto kto-to imeet protiv(???)
5-go; znayu eshe.
5. Orange! thanx dear! I know u liked that place as i
did; yea, crazy...
6. Roxy! did u sleep well?
7. Yep, u r right Erkin. That's the point. During that
week about 2500 people heard the gospel.
well...that's it.
thank yall though, i enjoyed what u've written.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

28-Mar-2001 08:53 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
So you did pay attention to what I said, huh?
Well, anyways... I didn't sleep the night before I wrote that message (and this is no kidding, I really didn't sleep the whole night!!! khotite ver'te, khotite net, no eto pravda), and that is prbably why I wrote such a message... I was too sleepy to think what I'm writing about .
And aafter that message... Man! I had the best sleep ever, and I still can't fully wake up . (that is because I'm a sonya! )

Anyways... Ice, I think and hope that you had wonderful time there, and I'm sure you did, coz you have that great personality - you can make fun of life! and that's good!

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 03:56 AM
 Re: Panama City Beach
I always pay attention to all what u say! Sorry u didn't sleep that night though;
As bout Panama; if your workshop is on the 7-8th of May u'll able to see how Panama looks like, as i recorded something from that time; that's due to Nino! thanx orange!! =)
take care,
Love, Ice
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 05:36 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
Nope, 21-22.

Tak i ne uvizhu svoyu rodnyu , ni Ice, ni Dorinu, ni sosedey! ... a khotya Masha budet tam .
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 07:46 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
A ya, Roxi???....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 08:12 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
nu kak je bez tebya ?!? ty u nas glavnyi drug sem'i!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 09:04 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
A ty prosto out of question!!! Eto znachit chto ya dazhe sebe ne predstavlyayu chto uedu ne uvidev tebya! Pervoe chto ya proverila v E-maile Goldy eto kogda u tebya workshop (t.e. eto bylo vtoroe, tak kak snachala proverila kogda budet workshop u menya samoy :p) )) (kak ty mog podumat' chto ya tebya zabyla?! schas by tebe sam znaesh' chem i po kakomu mestu!)

C ya there!!!

(My s toboy eschyo do Moskvy edem, ty eschyo pozhalaesh' chto byl na workshop so mnoy ;))

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 4-13-2001 21:02 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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