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13-Apr-2001 10:08 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach

Roxi.... erh.... nu tipa my ne cherez Moskvu edem, tak chto Oblom Ivanych...
Niche, potom priedesh ko mne v gosti. Masha, i ty tozhe. Soberem reunion i....

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Apr-2001 10:39 PM
 Re: Panama City Beach
a do frankfurta vy taki naverno s nami letite!!
nu eto my istcho (kak sama ekaterina 2! )) posmotrim, a pro v gosti, tak eto nado v wash ser'yozno obsudit'
vasha masha
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Apr-2001 02:38 AM
 Re: Panama City Beach
KAK ETO?! A ya to dumala . Ty zhe v Alma-Aty edesh',tak? A razve ne cherez Moscvu? Deystvitel'no oblom .

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Apr-2001 04:24 AM
 Re: Panama City Beach
my cherez Frankfurt i kazhetsya dazhe ne tem reisom, chto rebyata na Ukrainu... elki, ya che vasche odin polechu????????.....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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