Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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09-Jun-2001 10:43 AM
  Privet from the hell
Lonely Runner
to Proper:
don't give up bro! Go for it! a to potom budesh jalet'... raz vushel na etot path you have to go to the very end... toka ne ostanovis' na pol-puti...
miss you... might meet you soon....

Krepko jmu ruky and good luck!

P.S. u menya novuy haircut.... no hair at all... vse bylo free... free haircut+free room+free food...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Jun-2001 03:43 PM
 Re: Privet from the hell
Brat eto ty kuda popal? V armiyu ili v militsiu?? Anyway, don't give up, I guess that could work for you too
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Jun-2001 12:45 PM
 Re: Privet from the hell
Bro, sorry for the hair, and food, and room...

You know what, buddy. You are a Runner. So, keep running. I do not trust Inet, so maybe talk to you later, as you said "soon".

About my path: I have nothing else, man, but this path. And I will follow it till the end.

Anyway, buddy, give me some proofs it is you, so that I know whom to believe, OK? For example, why did I come to you at nights a few times at MSU not long before we left? Or why did I go with you to ACTR office in Washington?

Keep connected.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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