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16-Feb-2001 05:13 PM
  Education compared
What do you like about education in America and don't like about your education back home? Or maybe there's something in your home education that American would never match?

  • Cost;
  • Quality of education;
  • Skills of the professors;
  • Corruption;
  • Extra factors;

Provide your input on this topic.

Personally, I don't like the attitude of our professors back home, they think they're the God and we're the scum of the Earth.

Y the scumback
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 07:52 PM
 Re: Education compared
tebe chto essay nado napisat chtoli. "compare and contrast". i ti reshil vospolzovotsya nami, i oblegchit' sebe zadachu.
slushay, a ti umniy. ya i ne dumal.....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 09:19 PM
 Re: Education compared
Yerkin, you know what, everything depends on the personality of a professor. Here there are also some profs who are worse than ****. And moreover, very often they hire TA's who are not only incompetent, but who are not teachers at all. On the other hand, for example in my uni in Novosibirsk all the profs and students of the department are one big family, we care about each other's problems, and often profs also learn something from the students.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Feb-2001 02:44 AM
 Re: Education compared
Well, Natasha, it all depends of course. But in prestigeous schools (like ours here ))
profs are mostly well-educated people with PhD's from schools not lower than UCLA
or Wharton. Some of them are really dumb, no doubt. But I'm talking about general
attitude. Here they don't say "*** you, go study on your own", they are at least trying
to help you if not really help you. TA's are often times also quite cool, if you know how
to use them properly ))

No doubt, universities in Novosibirsk were always famous for their high level of
education. My uncle graduated from one of them long ago, and still keeps in touch
with friends from there and even some profs (who are still alive ))

But my university... erh... I don't wanna use bad language. You still can get sound
knowledge in your field and have good relationship with professors, but the fact
that others can get the same grade just by buying it greatly reduces the value of
my grades and my diploma. That sucks.

Here it's much more EXCITING to study, that's something I never experienced back
home. There it's like I'm struggling with profs every day, it's exhausting.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Feb-2001 06:01 PM
 Re: Education compared
Ya sovershenno soglasna s Yerikom. I love the University here, and I'm scared to go back to my University back home!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Feb-2001 03:28 AM
 Re: Education compared

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Feb-2001 06:17 AM
 Re: Education compared
Nurbek, delo vse v tom, chto tut ty mozhesh delat', chto zahochesh - libo tupet', libo umnet'. Flexibility ponimaesh li.

Nekotorye zdes' uchatsya, prosto potomu chto mummy'n'daddy ih zapihnuli, a nekotorye uchatsya ot dushi.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Feb-2001 06:50 AM
 Re: Education compared
Net, vse razzhevano, vse po polochkam..

Yerk, a kto naschet bor'by govoril?
Net doma interesney, tam vyzhivat' nada, a zdes' kak v zooparke..
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Feb-2001 05:51 PM
 Re: Education compared
Ja ne very chto kogo nibyt' iz nas zapixnyli v poryadochnij yniversitet. Mozhet razve-chto Yerkeny i Co podfortilo s ego. Chto to ja slishal chto on neplox po buisnessy ili kak.. Anyways, nash MSU izvesten na rednekovskom south-e kak syper krytoj engeneering univer, i boleje-meneje mormal'nij v drygom. Che zhe mozhno skazat' pro overall level of MSU esli ego rejting po engineering NE V PERVOJ SOTNE.. mozhet gde-to 150 il 170.. Gde on togda po bioximii, po businessy, po vsemy ostal'nomy.
Stydenti zdes' mozhet nekotorije i ne typije, sdelajem eto dopyshchenije, no oni ne typije tol'ko v maloj okresnosti svojej yzkoj specializacii... a eto vsego odin shag ot typosti.

Typoj & eshche typeje
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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