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08-Mar-2002 04:55 AM
  8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Ya vas s 8ym Marta hochu pozdravit. Vot, eto vrodeby segodna, da??
Zhelayu mnogo lubvi, radosti, tepla i cvetov!!
Vot, i znayte, chto Vy UZHASNYE sozdaniya no vso zhe, my, muzhyki vas OCHEN lubit. Pravda, pacany?? ;)
Vso, veselogo prazdnika, i weekenda
Love, Tarasishe.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

08-Mar-2002 05:10 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Privet, Taras
Spasibo bolshoe za pozdravlenie
Ochen priatno, chto ne zabyli

Take care,
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

08-Mar-2002 08:18 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Timurka iz Drexel'a
Pozdravliaju i ja vas, devchonochki, izredka zabredajuschije siuda, na etot umirajuschij sait!

Bud'te vsegda molodymi, krasivymi, obajatel'nymi, svezhimi!!!!! Raduite nas svoei noviznoi i durackimi prichudami, kotoryh u kazhdoi devushki predostatochno!!!

Za milyh dam iz ACTRa!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

08-Mar-2002 08:56 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
NU, spasibo , spasibo...
Segodnya u nas v Chicago daze pogoda kakaya to vesennyaya, teplo i horosho.
Privet vsem devushkam..
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

09-Mar-2002 02:08 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Better late than never!

Congrats on the International women's day, girls!
best wishes - all you want yourself. do whatever you're up to... be crazy and make others crazy!

[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

10-Mar-2002 06:38 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)

are you from Chicago? The same here! I really wanna know how the things are over there, so please drop me a line to!!!
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

14-Mar-2002 11:17 AM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Long time no see.... How r u?
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

14-Mar-2002 02:15 PM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Timur, hi)da ya i Sandy from Chicago, dazhe v tom zhe univere chto i ti bil, NPU)) chto imenno ti xochesh uslishat, nu naprimer pro spring break, a? kak nam xorosho zhivetsya v apartmente na N.Christiana? ti i sam naverno takoe znaesh. Videli mi online tvoi fotki ,,,,,smeshno bilo nemnogo,,,tipo ti i Djuman)) on eshe kak to v nachale lyapnul, chto ti from tatars tribe) mi dolgo smeyalis s Sashkoi.Eshe kak to govorila s professorom Wagnerom...on tozhe tebya vspominal) vot Sandy's roommate (Sasha) tozhe nam pro tebya rasskazivala, ti ee dolzhen znat,,,voobshem privet tebe is Chicago,,klevo tut,,,no domoi skoro
My best))
P.S. a u menya sednya den varenya...a nikogo v Chicago net.....a zavtra vsex budet mnogo,,i segodnya mne uzhe mozhno pit',,,,vot tak vot.
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

15-Mar-2002 11:56 AM
 Re: 8TH OF MARCH!! :)
Hey everybody!
Thanks for your greetings! ) Special thanks to Taras, proper and MC. Was kinda nice to get your e-mails on the holiday. )
[Brat 3: ACTR Student 2001-2002]

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