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05-Mar-2001 06:07 PM
 Re: tarasishe,xm...
Eto zdesh'nyy tvoy prepod ili Kyrgyzskiy? A kakuyu voynu, mirovuyu, ili grazhdanskuyu posle razvala SOv. Soyuza?

Sorry, but I am just curious, I'd better say sooo curious. Here you meet who say they at least know where Tajikistan is very often... So... hope you understand.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Mar-2001 12:53 AM
 Re: tarasishe,xm...
Ya proshu proscheniya Rukhshona, ya ne hotel zadet' tvoih chustv.
Moy prepod deystvitel'no byl v Tajikistane vo vremya posledney grazhdanskoy voiny posle razvala sovetskogo soyuza, konechno zhe ne otsyuda, - doma.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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