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23-Apr-2001 05:09 PM
  just about life :)))
He is quite right - if somebody feels at these, he/she is in the Hell ((
Enjoy the poem ))
Their Pain
by Meredith Mcghin

I can only imagine
What it's like to sacrifice
How it feels to do without
What it takes to pay the price
To offer all I have
Unto others with a need
I can only imagine
For myself, I live in greed

I can only imagine
What it's like to be alone
How it feels to be rejected
How to get by on my own
To never share a secret
To feel empty deep inside
I can only imagine
For myself, I live in pride

I can only imagine
What it's like to be abused
How it feels to lie awake
Feeling angry, tired and bruised
To have no friend to turn to
Filled with rage I can't release
I can only imagine
For myself, I live in peace

I can only imagine
What it's like to know such pain
How it feels to wake each morning
With a past I can't explain
To live a constant nightmare
That no else can parallel
I can only imagine
But for them, they live in Hell

What about this one? It sounds right as for me:
by Melvin Lee

On a day like today,
a young lady arrived
at the airport,
with family
and friends.

Her heart was heavy,
and she was sad.
For she knew the time
has come to leave
this Heaven and
return to the
far lonely

Unsettling feeling
in her heart,
a kind of longing
to stay back forever.
A kind of familiar loneliness
that she was acquainted with,
comes to her again.

And she sighed,
wistfully, forlornly,
hoping again hope,
to stay in this limbo
of joy and

'Oh no, I'm leaving again',
she murmured,
hot tears threatening
to well in her eyes.

Bravely, she forced
a smile at her
loved ones.
Without much of
a second look,
she bid them

In the plane,
the girl sat,
with eyes closed,
reliving those
and fond
she left behind,

and those sweet voices
and carefree laughter
that accompanied
every single image
that went fleeting pass.

a faint smile ghosted at her mouth.

'I'll see them again soon.
Take care, my loved ones,
I'll be back.'

Thank you for your attention.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Apr-2001 12:01 AM
 Re: just about life :)))
Ty che, gonish???
Mozhet hvatit fignyu porot', mozhet nakonets-taki zab'esh na vse i na vseh?
WAKE UP!!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Apr-2001 02:08 AM
 Re: just about life :)))
Hey, Val!
Thanks for your care However, I am a bit confused: why do you think I am going to die? Did you read the poems carefully? Get the meanings from them, not the form.

The first one describes the feelings that the author does not have, but can only imagine:
"I can only imagine (!)
What it's like to sacrifice
What it's like to be alone
How it feels to be along
What it's like to be abused
To have no friend to turn to =>I have good friends ))
How it feels to wake each morning
With a past I can't explain..."

So, you should have seen that I am taking the author's position.

The second one is a kind of joke about all those talks related to coming back home, plans to return to the USA in the future, and stuff like that.

A naschet zabit' - eto vse cool. No ya predpochitayu vse pomnit')) Pamyat' - pochti vse, chto mu imeem ili mojem imet', pravda ved'? Dengi, dgupu, bolshue doma, krutue gostinichnue nomera s uslugami, etc - vse nujno i ponyatno, i stoit usiliy, no vot pamyat' - eto to, chto mnogie nedoocenivayut, ona - na vsyu juzn'. Tak chto pust' ona budet vsegda ))

Take care, man!

[ This message was edited by: proper on: 4-25-2001 02:05 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Apr-2001 05:28 PM
 Re: just about life :)))
Valerka! Kak zhiznya molodaya? Zhal' chto ne vmeste na workshop edem. Aleha sluchayno ne s toboy? Privet emu esli che!
Prop, ty pryamo terminator-III kakoy-to! Zhadny, gordy, ni do kogo net dela.. - eto ya tsitiruyu!
He-he, a shto esche cheloveku dlya schastya nada, daa?;)
Take it easy guys!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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