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10-Jul-2001 08:11 AM
  Hi guys :)
Privet vsem )
Rebyata jan, ya ochen' po vsem vam soskuchilas'!!!
NU kak proshla vstrecha v Kieve??? Ya tak nadeyalas' sho priedu no ne poluchilos' (( Zato skoro priezzhayu k dyade v Yaltu U nas v Yerevane ochen' ochen' zharko, nu pryam kak v adu a u menya pedstavlyaete alergia na solntse, Nechem zanyatsa tak kak u vsex druzey sechas sessia, a ya idu, shagayu po Yerevanu, ves' den' splyu, vecherom vyxoju gulyat'... igrayu v pool, eto moya bolezn' )
Mne predlojili rabotu, Marketing Manager, no ya eshe ne reshila (malo playtyat, hehe). Vobshem vse kak bylo. Ya vot dumayu ne organizovat' li nam kakuyu nibud' konferentsiyu??? ya xochu napisat' proposal for Undergraduate alumni reunion. For all years, not just ours... nas je ne tak mnogo kak russkix ili ukraintsev for that matter ) vsego 150 chelovek kajetsa
Ya vchera govorila s Gayane, kto eyo znaet, privety ot neyo.
Nu ladno rebyata, pishite, ne zabyvayte. Ya proyavila plyonku ot otelya, skoro prishlyu vsem fotki
Ira, Oles'ka, skoro prishlyu vashi diski, te shto obeshala, Tata.
Vot tak.
Love ya all.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Jul-2001 09:25 PM
 Re: Hi guys :)

Rebyata vidite etu obezyanu na verxu, kotoraya idet tuda suda tuda suda,,, ona mne nadoela, ya ee ubil,,,, ( i vse chto ya do etogo pisal, propalo...... [ This message was edited by: gazon_Zaseyan on: 7-11-2001 21:22 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

12-Jul-2001 10:32 AM
 Re: Hi guys :)
Privet, guys!

Alina - good idea about reunion! I am 100% positive about it - just let us know where and when ))

The meeting on the 30th of June was perfect; if not to mention that we did not arrange to meet the guys who came at 5 PM ((

Anyways, why don't we make the 30th of June The Day of All ? It can be our "national" holiday (FSA Undergraduate Alumni are a whole nation now ))

It is also veeeeeeery hot in Kiev howadays, just super "warm" ))

Greetings, teik kear, guys.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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