Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
21-Jan-2001 03:23 AM
 Re: PHOTOS!!!
hey aya govorish za zdorov'ye vip'em .aga guys ver'te ei bolshe ne za zdorov'e mi pili a za lubov' vot tak vot eh bolnaya eto tema !!!!!
ladno poshla poplachu mojet polegchaet,uh uh uh uuuuuu!
aya a vino ved' tak i stoit jdet tebya,kogda priedesh ladno skoro pozvonu opyat jdi sidi smotri esli doma ne budet vse hana tebe. celuu Ira!chmoki!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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