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21-Aug-2000 11:59 PM
  ya chustvuyu syabya kak v x-file'sah
privet fsa students.
eto pishet vam Vepa iz Turkmenistana.
yesli pomniti to ya popal v Alabam'u.gorod Huntsville.
eto ne gorod a vtoroy Pentagon. zdes stolko magazinov orujeynoy tehniki, mnogo shuttlov(v russkom smisle etogo slovo) vsyakiye ambari gde stroyat voyeniye samolyoti i vertolyoti.
inogda net net i voyenniy kakoy nibud vertolyot ili samolyot proletit nad golovoy.etih chernih akul zdes polno.
chto samoyo interesnoye ne v odnom magazine 100%'uyu kartu goroda naytti ne vozmojno.yest tolko nabroski i tolko.gorod voobshemto zasekrechenniy okazalsya.
voobshem chustvuyu syebya kak v seriale X-Files, i po etomu okrestil syebya Malder'om.
nu chto mujiki ne propadayte i pishite.
P.S.bshyaga u menya klasnaya luchshe chem v Penn.'e. i odin iz roommateov chyornenkiy.
P.S:zdes u vseh 99.99% naseleniya i stuentov yest mashini.vhera vishel v gorod , peshkadrakat, ne kogo jivogo na nogah ne uvidel, vse na kolyosah. ne kogo daje dorogu sprosit. kstatti s shuttle(po angliyskiy)mi zdes problema.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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