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23-Jan-2001 04:21 AM
  Another great party!!!!!
Guys we have so much fun there, in Murray, KY. You definitly have to join us every sunday of this semester. You even cann't imajine how much fun we have here. Join Us!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:09 AM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Da elk palki, chto s lyud'mi tvoritsya. Vam che za promotion platyat chto li? Nu togda u vas ploho poluchaetsya - ne to mesto nashli dlya reklamy.

And one more thing: A U NAS V KVARTIRE GAS!
V Atlante parties est' kazhdyi bozhii den', tak chto, deti, potishe tam - redneckov razbudete )))

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 01:20 AM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Yerkin, you are good. Good reply. I like it much. Still, do not make people think they are just not so cool. Actually, some of them ARE cool.

Fun >> Yerkin.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 04:38 AM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Eto ya tebe zabil chtobi ti ne uhodil. I voobsche prichem tut redneki? I ne v sklad i ne v lad poceluy' tramvay v jivot. k tomuje mi je ne govorim chto u nas tut koshki rojayut, tak chto ti so svoimi gazami v prolete (ili v tualete, s gasami tam obichno i sidyat, no better shodi k doctoru, a to zadavit parovoz). Kstati, proper, kogda ti zakonchish podpukivat'? U tebya chto toje gazi?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 05:41 PM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
For Matrix!

I am not sure who you are, buddy, but you're f. impolite. Watch your words. By the way, if you do not see, I am not "podpukivayu". Maybe you just can't read and understand English? Then you'd better go to a highschool, but not to a college; there are not places in colleges for people who can't read yet.

Fun >> Matrix.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 07:43 PM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Devochki, hvatit ssorit'sya!
Chto Murray, chto Mississippi - odna banda. I nazvanie odno - MSU
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 07:54 PM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Matrix, ja po mojemy znajy kto ti, sydya po citatam iz krasnoj pleseni. ) MSU-Gavno, xotya ja tam i ychys' , kto posporit, privedite argyment. A vot "Krasnaja plesen'" eto da... eto dejstvitel'no unlike MSU destvitel'no veshch.

Sidit na ynitaze i dymajet o tom,
kak otomstit' vragam svoim, Fedor Gavnykov
Vchera ego prijateli nazvali mydakom
teper' ix ne spaset, ni ment ni ispolkom.

Nexren gnat' dryg na dryga, a to tak i ymrete Fedorami Gavnykovimi. I na mogile vam etot stix napishyt posmertno, vmesto nekrologa.

Respekt, Fedori.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

25-Jan-2001 08:19 PM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Che eto ty zloypotreblyaesh slovom "deistvitel'no"?
Dymaesh, esli odny bykvy dobavit', to drygoe slovo polychitsya?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

26-Jan-2001 06:20 AM
 Re: Another great party!!!!!
Igor - man, who's got a sound sense of humor;
Matrix - punk, u kotorogo detstvo v zhope zaigralo, vspomnil schitalochki iz detsada;
Mr.X - hren tebya zanet;
Ratmir - e***** v rot... oi, izvinite, elki-palki, ne upominai Krasnuyu Plesen' - eto takoi HABO3!
YeRKiN - still taking my time to perfect a bit, I still got love in the streets it's...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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