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05-Feb-2001 03:13 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Po-moemu, v temu:

...Edu ya na rodinu,
A ona nam nravitsya...

Nam vsem tut tyazhelo, parni. Vse ne spim, ne doedaem, skuchaem. I vse-taki " v gostayx xorosho, a doma luchshe"))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 05:23 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
"Kto vinovat?","Chto delat'?" zachem nikchemnye voprosy?
"Worried" prav, u vseh u nas svoi problemy i bolyachki, zachem ih raskovyrivat', pust' zazhivayut!
K chemu polivat' drug druga emotsiyami? K chemu vypyachivat' grud' pered drugimi?
Kto luchshe drugih? - Bros' v menya bulyzhnik pervym!
Rebyata! U nas zhe unikal'naya vozmozhnost'! Andryuha prav! Zdes sobralis' luchshie predstaviteli narodov SNG!
Davayte prinimat'sa za delo seychas! Ved' odna golova horosho a 100 gorazdo luchshe!
Davayte ispolzovat' te 3 mesyatsa chto nam ostalis'!
Davayte uzhe seychas planirovat' chem my mozhem pomoch' nashim stranam i kakie deystviya nuzhno predprinyat'!
Davayte dumat' kak my mozhem pomoch' drug drugu! Delit'sa mneniyami, obsuzhdat' predlagat', sporit'!
Etot portal - prekrasnaya vozmozhnost'!
Pora vylazit' iz pelenok, kak vy dumaete? Mozhet perestanem tykat' pal'tsem drug v druga, prostim obidy i nachnem delom zanimat'sa?
Ved' esli my seychas ustanovim prochnye kontakty, sostavim plan deystviy i podgotovimsa, to doma nam budet gorazdo legche! Chto skazhete druzya-tovarischi?
Ya ne znayu kto naskol'ko sposoben chto libo sdelat' v odinochku, no somnevayus' chto ochen' mnogo.
A vmeste my SILA! Vy tol'ko posmotrite kto zdes' sobralsa! Buduschie economisty, bankiry, politiki, politologi, zhurnalisty, programmisty, sociologi, menedjery, itd, itp.! Eto zhe kakoy potentsial, a?!!!
Podumat' tol'ko! My zhe vmeste mir mozhem na ushi postavit'!!!!!
Stoit tol'ko zahotet'!
Tak chto reshayte, vse zavisit ot togo naskol'ko seryezno my k etomu otnesemsa.

Pervoe predlozhenie:
NEO! Andryuha, ty uzhe predlagal to put articles online. Vylozhi rekomendatsii kak eto sdelat'. Ved' gorazdo legche opisat' ideyu ili proect v statye chem na forume. Osobenno esli ona zanimaet bol'shoy obyem. A zatem obsuzhdat' ee zdes' ili v chate. Plus we can send our class works that are worth reading and may help to others.
Takzhe predlagayu vynesti obsuzhdenie v drugoy topic, I'll call it "Save the World" Project.

Predlagayte, obsuzhdayte, kritikuyte, tol'ko po delu!

Iskrenne vash, Nurbek.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 05:25 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Sudya po vsemu chto vy napisali, vy vse patrioty strany koorym neterpitsya idti domoy, i byt' u sebya doma, a ya "belaya vorona" ili "krysa s tonuschego koroblya" u kotoroy ostalas' kapel'ka sovesti, kotoraya eyo muchaet, no ya sebya uteshayu tem chto kogda to mne budet lgche pomoch' svoey strane ot syudogo, no govoryu ya eto vsego lish' dlya togo chto by sovest' uspokoit', a na samom dele ya predatel'nitsa kotoruyu nado zarezat', ili zapretit' mne kogda libo vernut'sya na Rodinu opyat'. Do you really think so? Neo, ya ne izvlekla iz togo chto ty napisal urok, ya prosto stolknulas' s zhestkim neponimaem. Menya sovest' ne muchaet, ne za chto, potomu to chto ya skazala eto ne dlya togo chto by sovest' uspokoit', eto ya skazala ot vsey dushi.
Ya ogorchena do predela. I know some of you guys really think so, and you probably would say that you don't just for politeness. I'm not gonna tell this again in some other message, but I REALLY LOVE MY COUNTRY< and the fact that I would stay here if I had a chance doesn't mean I am betraying my country. And the reason is not because I wnat easy life, believe me knowing English and working in some international organisation, you can afford a car there, it would take time, but you'd finally get it if you wanted to, and if you strived for it. I'm here to gain knowledge and experience. Do you think I could ever there get the experience and knowledge in Mass
Communication that I got here for less than 9 months? NO! And I wanna use it for MY country. Khoroshiy vopros zadala Olesya: My govorim chto to sdelaem dlya svoey strany, a chto imenno? Well, I know definitely what I wanna do for my countri. Sulit' zlatye gory eto ne moya privychka, i ya ne govoryu chto chto ya smogu dat' rabotu 70% naseleniya, chto ya sdelayu tak chto by vsem uvelichili zarplatu, chto ya popravlyu economicheskuyu situatsiyu v strane itd itp. No u menya rabotat' na Televidenii byla mechta s detstva, i teper' ya vizhu chto s razvalom Sovetskogo Soyuza na nash mestnyy kanal nikto i ne dumaet pereklyucatsya. And it hurts my national pride, sometimes I get angry with people working there. And that's what I wanna do for my country, I wanna improve the Television, our local channel. And I guess everyone of you knows how powerfull media is, if you can really use it. If I stayed there, for my whole life I wouldn't learn half of what I learnt here already. And if I stayed here longer and gained more experience, not jsut studying, but also working here for some time, I could bring a lot more knowledge to my country. And I don't blame the people working in our channel, coz they never were tought by professionals (I mean like students here are tought). What the hell are you all talking about?! Being a patriot? Being a patriot doesn't mean just staying in your country and not leaving it, being a patriot means doing something for your country, anything you are able to do, and it doesn't matter where you are. Nurbek, you are right, it would be the hardest thing to realise that you's never again drink that pure water, never again see those high and dear mountains. I miss Dushanbe, I love Dushanbe, and I wouldn't change just one Dushanbe for hundreds of Philladelphias, New Yorks or Atlantas, or even for the whole America. But you know what? Alincho is right saying that it hurts when you see your old old country, that lived through all these 20 centuries falling apart now, it hurts me when I see the buildings falling apart there, it hurts, when you see people turning away from the local channel, it hurts when you see a little 5 year old coming up to you and asking for money, it hurts when you hear of some one being killed for money, it hurts when you realise that militia nowadays would do nothing for you if you are in trouble and you don't have money or close relatives in some high posotion in the government, it hurts so bad that probably not many of you understand that, may be you are all upset with that, but I don't think it really hurts everyone here. My cousin, who was as close to me as my brother, decided to fight for it, he was in militia, in Criminal Investigation Department. He decided to fight, he really fought, he managed to decrease the level of crime in the town he was living in, but he was killed together with his brother, who had nothing to do with it, and this hurts too!
You were saying that Americans don't understand us. they do, just find your type of people. My friends DO understand me, and when I talk what I feel, they at least try to understand. I won't ever say they can't understand us, I don't have a right to. It's hards to say, but I see less understanding from you guys than I do from them. Esli vy menya ne ponimayete, to chego uzh govorit' o nikh?
I think this is my last message here, where I am trying to say that I mean what I said. I'm not going to write about it any more, because I think it makes no sense trying to explain what you really feel to a group, where there isn't a single person who has a bit of understanding of what you're trying to say. So now tell me, if you were me, what would be the difference between people here and the Americans for you, if none could understand you? For me there is a difference, because they do understand me. I'm not saying they are better or worse, they are just the way they are, and if you understand them, they will understand you.

Best of luck,

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 2-5-2001 04:29 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 05:32 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Privet, rebyata. (no ! sign, I'm too thoughtful for that right now)
daaaa... Nikak ne mogu nachat' pisat' vsyo chto promel'knulo v mislyax, kogda chitala vashi otveti....
no kak to nachat' nado.. so here we gooo. Izvinyayus' za nelovkiy russkiy yazik, yesli chto, ya davno po russki ne razgovarivala.

1)Marine: Chto-to mne podskazivayet (ti konechno ne obizhaysa, Marina) chto ti sama v shtatax, chto sama ostavila stranu svoyu rodnuyu, mozhet s dobrimi namerenyami, kak nekotoriye iz nas, but somehow got caught in the whirl of things and v zabotax ustroitsa, chto kak to zabila pro svoi namerenya. I veroyatnee vsego, u tebya yest' sovest' i ona tebya muchayet, i ti sprashivayesh nas, nadeyas ushlishat' xotya bi chto ni bud' v tvoyu podderzhku. Ya tebya ne vinyu ni vchyom, da i prava u menya netu....

2) Neo i Yeriku: Ya serdtsem i dushoy s vami rebyata, i ya vernus' v rodnuyu Armeniyu kotoruyu lublyu i kotoroy gorzhus' vsey dushoy i vsem telom, with every single blood cell in me. (Inogda zabivayu slova). I ya prezirayu lyudey kotoriye pokidayut stranu TOLKO izza svoyey shkuri. Ya bi ix ne zarezala, kak Yerik predlogayet, a sdelala bi xuzhe, ya bi xotela tak sdelat' chtobi oni nikogda ne sumeli vozvratitsa domoy, i mi vse znayem, chto kak bi trudno doma ne bilo, kak nenavistno bi zhizn' ne bila doma, my vse kogda nibud' soskuchayemsya, kto-to rano, kto-to pozdno. Vot kak ya bi nakazala tex kto pokidayut stranu sovsem ne dumaya ob etom. Ya extremalistka, pravil'no, ne vozrazhayu, no tolko lyudi obichno ne takiye besserdechniye. I vo vsyakom sluchaye, ya soglasna s Roxy, yest' lyudi kotorim trudno borotsa s corruption, s temi, kto trick the others to gain their own wealth. A day im nemnozhko bol'she svobody (yes US is under control too, but you have a bit more freedom here) i one mogut strane pomoch' from outside. Eto govoryu ya, Armyanka-a vi znayete chto nas v mire vsego 8 millionov, i tolko chut' bol'she 2.5 zhivut v Armenii???? Bol'no.... Bol'no videt' chto moya strana, staraya, gordaya, chto vijila cherez vse eti 20 vekov, shyas pogibayet, bez svoix sinovey. I ya vernus' domoy, bud' eto vo Maye bud' eto cherez 3 goda, kogda u menya budet Master's. No ya vernus'. I ya nikogda ne zabudy svoix. Menya poxoronyat v toy zhe zemle, gde moy otets, moy dedulya i babulya, gda ya virosla, daje yesli ya budu borotsa vsyu zizn' i nichego ni dobyus'... which is highly unlikely.
Rebyata ochnites'!!!!!!!!!!
Nas zhe tak mnogo!!! Mi mnogogo mozhem dobitsa. Pust' USSR is broken up, nu i chto. Mi zhe vse drug druga xorosho znayem. Mi vse mean something for our countries otdel'no i v sovokupnosti. DON'T GIVE UP ON ANYTING!!!!!!! SLISHITE??? I know none of you wan't to give up on the idea of having a great life, driving an expensive car, sending your children to great schools, spending your vacations in Hawaii, but wake up, you are already a looser in some sense, because you gave up on the idea of having that in your country. You're missing out on a whole lot, you are missing the whole joy that the pride of being the nationality you are can give you!!!!!!
Yes we need good education to make difference. Some people can make difference even without it. I feel like I CAN make a difference NO MATTER WHAT!!!! I do want to get good education, which will make me exceptionally able in my country, but even if I don't get it, I'm not giving up!!!
Samoye glavnoe chtobi bilo zhelaniye. And I don't blame people who are here and forgot about their country, I just feel sorry for them. I don't blame people who came here and didn't forget about their country. Everyone does as much as they can. Never say NO to anything. They are doing their best, we can do our best, each one of us can do the best they can. It just a matter of realizing na skolkoye kazhdiy is nas sposoben.......
Vi chto nibud' iz moyego message-a ponyali?? )
sorry for the mixed languages. Mne trudno po russki razgovarivat' kogda vzvolnovana.
I think we shouldn't forget about this portal when we go home, and see how we can help each other help our countries. Whoever wants to at least....
Ochen' zadumavshayasa i vzvolnovannaya , no reshitel'naya.

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 2-5-2001 01:48 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 06:04 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Nurbek djan, vnutri kak to teplo stanovitsa kogda chitayu i perechitivayu tvoy post. Ti molodchina, vsyo skazal, is skazal kak nado.
K delu. "Save The World" govorish??? Nu davayte, vmeste mi na mnogoye sposobni. I have been working on this for 4 years already, since I came back from US as a FLEX alumnae. We formed a non-governmental organization, Youth for Armenia, and did our best to change the life little by little. We did voter-education conferences across the country, we published a book about democracy and human rights, we organized discos and gave the proceeds to the orphanages, the last big thing that we did is what I want to tell you about. We wrote a proposal and got a grant from US government to carry out the following. We started a project in the high schools of Yerevan (stolitsa Armenii, na vsyakiy pozharniy, dlya tex kto geografiy ne lyubit). We formed Parent-Teacher Associations, trained them in Leadership and DEvelopment, Principles of Community Service, Human and Financial Resource Management and Computer Literacy (some members of YFA had had the training themselves in United Nations Development Program, and were teaching these courses, I was doing it too). Basically what we were doing was train these PTA's to take care of their schools because government doesn't always have money to take care of them. We were teaching them how to make contact with the big organizations in the community, how to organize fund-raisers, how to involve the community into the lives of the schools. And by the end of the program, the participant schools were already funding their own repairs, some of them were installing playgrounds, some were bying computers and connecting to the Internet, etc. I mean you don't have to do a revolution, but see how much this helped these 30 schools that were participating??? I hope this wasn't boring, I was just trying to give you all the ideas that I or my friends have had during these years.
I am an Econ major, but what bothers me most is our educational system. Are there any Education majors that have any ideas? We are very strong together, if we work out a plan and are strong enough to make some noise about it, to make it heard in the CIS community, we can really do things.
Another idea, we HAVE to keep coming to this portal. I think this is a really good way of communicating.
The Economists can put together sites about small and medium sized businesses that want to partner with foreing organizations, and you can do hell lot with that kind of a site. I don't know, guys, com'on give out some ideas, do a brainstorming, let's see what we can do.
Alincho-full of hope for our countries.

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 2-5-2001 19:01 ]

[ This message was edited by: Alincho on: 2-5-2001 19:03 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 07:02 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Vyi ne predstavlyaete, kak ya rada i blagodarna vam!!! Blagodarna za to,chto ne pozhaleli svoego vremeni i emotzii, otvechaya na moe message. Spasibo za to, chto vy zdes'; chto vy verite v sebya; chto polny energii i zelaniya izmenit' mir v luchshyu storonu. Bravo!!! Kazhdyi iz vas po-svoemu prav, kakimi by motivami on ne rukovodsvovalsya, samoe glavnoe, kak skazala devushka s Armenii(Alincho?)-don't give up!
Ved' est' eshe porox v poroxovnizax!
O sebe.I am a foreign exchange student too. And i am a future mediaperson as Rukhshona, that makes me feel more than just responsible for what people would think and do. And here inhe US, I almost got lost, trying to justify my selfish thoughts and feelings and struggle with myself and everybody for being Myself.
X_Ray, your idea is just great! Let's all do something about it!
P.S.: 20 straniz raspechatki! Spasibo, rebyata!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 09:29 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Takie vot dela, ACTRovtsu.
Po-moemu, mu komu-to domashku sdelali ili opros proveli.
Well done, Marina.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 09:55 PM
 Re: VSEM!!!
Igor'! Kakaya domashka! Ty chto?!! Zachem tak obizhaesh? Nel'zya tak! Raspechatala ya vse s tem, chtoby priiti domoi, sest' i prochest' vse normal'no. A ty- "domashka...' Chestnoe slovo, obidel! Ili vse,c hto ya napisala, zvuchalo tak neiskrenne?!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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