Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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31-Aug-2000 03:23 PM
  FOR NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Headquarters of Chat
If you want to enter the chat, use Internet Explorer (not Netscape Communicator-sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't).
And PLEASE identify yourself if you're asked about it - NAME and PLACE of ORIENTATION (ex.: Andey, Pennsylvania I). Otherwise we'll have to to kick you out from the chat.
Your cooperation will be appreciative.
Thank you.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2000 06:40 PM
 Re: FOR NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Neo, ya konechno ponimayu chto ti sebya lubish, tak nikto i ne govorit chto ti ne Papa. No mi je s toboy uje obsujdali vopros pro headquaters i shtab, no vidno ti ne ponyal......., a jal' vrode umniy pacan, daje papa uje....daaaaa.....Nu ladno budem nadeyatsya chto ispravishsya. Bye
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2000 09:52 PM
 Re: FOR NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Bratuha, a kto skazal, chto eto Papa?... :-)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2000 10:06 PM
 Re: FOR NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Mikola, tu menya s kemto pereputal!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Aug-2000 11:59 PM
 Re: FOR NEW PEOPLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sorry, Neo. But then explain those people who write this who, when, and why.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

Community Moderators: Neo, LILKA
The time now is: Wed Sep 11:09 am
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