Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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22-Aug-2000 10:13 PM
  Just hi!
Bratva I'm die. I miss for everybody. Today have another 2 classes takaya mut'. Da, Andrey Shkilko zaviduy, I print this message on the laptop. It is maybe the only good news for the whole day. Hotel shodit' segodnya v swimming pool a tam announcment : "closed till 28 august" Nu hiba ne, sorry for such a bad word. Now I'm sitting in the library and waiting for somebody's reply. Tolpa from missisippi how are you? waiting for you all in chat. Da kstati I now entered our chat from Netscape and now talk there.Ok,see you all at evening. Bye
mikola Mcloud
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Aug-2000 10:29 PM
 Re: Just hi!
nu vot tol'ko nachalo podnimat'sya nastroenie kak David svalil po kakim to tam delam. Podlec, v horoshem smisle etogo slova. Opyat' ciju i handruy. Vot blin, uchitsya nehochu, raboti toje poka net, girls vse kuda-to rasbejalis' nu prosto hot' idi i delay homework! NE HOCHU! Tolpa vi che suyda uchitsya priehali? Ok, nobody coming so I leaving. See you. Bye.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Thu Sep 09:09 pm
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