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17-Dec-2000 05:19 AM
  -Reality is Wired-
The modem lights blink as a screeching sound signifies that the two computers have established a connection. You are "on-line" in the sightless and quiet "cyberspace world" of datastreams, modems, and computer software.....

When technology swallows a mind, two

choices become availible. The first is the

most commonly used:escape it. The

second is more difficult, more

complicated and requires a mild loss of

individuality followed by possible

complete anonymity: become it.

In becomming part of the technology, you

become part of a great force that moves forward

and consumes anything in its path, cities,

governments, nations, cultures, anything

immaterial that may be influenced by information.

To become the technology is to embrace

it, to integrate it into your life. Not to

have the latest gadget, but to think on

terms void of both geography and identity.

Being wired is being anonymous. Identiy

is lost and only concepts remain. Trust is

no longer a form of support and

identification becomes myth. True identity

is through action and intent versus

persona. The danger is there.

Information is dangerous and

preciously guarded. False information is

distributed freely in hopes of no futher

questioning. Truth no longer exists.

And here come they - techno-underground . . .

of a so-called "Cyberpunk"...

[ This message was edited by: Neo on: 12-17-2000 06:19 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Dec-2000 07:39 AM
 Re: -Reality is Wired-
Andryuha, ty che???
S dereva upal?....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Dec-2000 08:25 AM
 Re: -Reality is Wired-
"Truth is a lie that has not been discovered yet"

Well, I guess the cyberworld and the on-line life does not deprive you of personality, it just offers you new ways of expressing and developing it.

Is not it great to create a new page, to see a new site, or to play a new game?!!! I do like Internet a lot!

Best regards,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Dec-2000 04:20 PM
 Re: -Reality is Wired-

Privet vsem!

Neo, tebe nuzhno knizhki svoi izdavat'! Ser'ezno! Bogatym, stanesh'!

A voobsche rebyata zavyazyvayte razgovor, brosayte computer i ayda prazdnovat' Rozhdestvo i Novy God!

Navestite druzey, povidayte mesta, kak eto uzhe delayut mnogie iz nas. Eto gorazdo interesnee chem sadit' zrenie. Razve vam ne interesno uvidet' teh s kem vy obschaetes tol'ko po chatu? Uvidet' real'nye litsa i poboltat' za chashkoy kofe (ili chego nibud' pokrepche) v kafe? Kogda esche predstavitsa takoy sluchay?

Otorvites', hot' na vremya kanikul, ot ekrana i podyshite svezhim vozduhom! Internet konechno super, no on ne zamenit real'noy zhizni!

Zhelayu vam vsem provesti nezabyvaemye prazdniki!

S Nailuchshimi Pozhelaniyami!

Nurbek. [ This message was edited by: X_Ray on: 12-17-2000 17:20 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

18-Dec-2000 12:42 AM
 Re: -Reality is Wired-
Dear Neo1

It would be great if you could activate that part of our portal where out links would be displayed; it would be much more nice just to click there and go to our favourite sites.

Best regards,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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