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31-Jan-2001 05:20 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Hey Yerk,
neuzheli ty oshibsya? Poverit' ne mogu!
Ne znayu kak u vas, a menya uchili chto pered a-Orion idet artikl' "an", a ne "the".
Correct me if I am wrong.
Take it easy, he-he!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

31-Jan-2001 06:30 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Good job, Nurbek!!! EVen I didn't notice that!!! (I'm probably the second most obsessed with correcting mistakes, I just don't do it publicly
A interest rates, exchange rates and capital flows are impossible to control all three at the same time...
A corporations have limited liability unlike partnerships and sole proprietorships....
A monetary factors cannot influence the "REAL" factors of the economy, which is called monetary neutrality....

Nu kak Kom, u menya poluchilos' po "yerkinskomy"??
)) Ne to chto xochu bit' kak Yerkin, poymite pravilno )))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 04:02 AM
 Re: January, 26, 2001

To Nurbek:

I've no clue about articles "a", "an" or "the", I guess all of them would be pretty legal in this context. But, if you were really attentive enough you'd first of all notice some mistakes that are really crying out loud. Namely:

  • Betelgeuse is a-Orionis (the correct spelling), although it's fainter than Rigel which is b-Orionis. The problem is that these two stars were misclassified and remained like that in catalogs.

  • Antares is a-Scorpii (correct spelling).

  • Sirius is a-Canis Majoris (sozvezdie Gonchih Psov).

Enough astronomy so far. I guess the more I write, the more folks are gonna plough through my messages trying to spot typos and stuff. I gotta cut that out.

To Roxi:

Duh! Without a tripod you'd have to hold your camera in your hands which definitely makes it less stable, especially in case of cameras with long exposure times. That's why few pictures in my album are blurry.

To Alina:

Hmm... Well, well, well. Why don't you day-trade then if you know the field? j/k )) By the way, have a broader outlook, your facts are too specific (in the field of finance mainly).


I enjoy boasting, maybe that's our national character (take a look at Erl for a change; sorry, bro). New facts:

  • Horseshoe crab (ili po-russki mechehvost), a marine anthropod specie - is the only one left from the very ancient class of Merostomata.

  • The year of 1054 A.D. was marked by two major events (which I think are somehow connected to each other):

    • Birth of a supernova (massive explosion) in Crab Nebula that actually created the very nebula and a new pulsar in the middle of it that luckily enough has the Earth on the way of its beam as it scans across the space. This pulsar, in fact, once was a star before in exploded as a supernova.

    • The dominant church in the world by that time was the united Christian Church. And in this very year it split in half, giving birth to two new ones: Catholic (western wing, so-called "world church") and Orthodox (eastern wing, so-called "church of the right faith").

    No one knows whether one of these events caused another...

  • Timin v molekule DNK zamenyaetsya na uracil v molekule RNK... ne znayu, kak eto budet po-angliiski.

  • Viscosity muffle that replaced conventional axis differentials uses the same substance (silicon solution) that's used in breast implant. (well, that's gross).

  • enough for today... I'm out of info

  • Later,
    [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 04:33 AM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Well, actually I wasn't talking about photo-camera, I was talking about TV camera, but anyways, same shit, you are right. Well, i knew that everyone knows that, just wanted to contribute to the topic )).

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 06:23 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Yerkin, tak govorish moy message wasa too specific?
A asronomiya eto less specific right?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 07:40 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001

  1. ...not only corporations have limited liability, but also some parternships...
  2. ...monetary factors do influence some ecomomical factors (interest rate can effect capital flow easily)...

  3. I hvatit iz sebya gramoteev stroit' )))

Take care.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Feb-2001 08:53 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
People!What is it?????Are u all o.k?????Or you are so excited about your studying in here ,that want to let others know how much you've learnt in here?????Glad for you guy..and all that in English..isn't that great??????!!!!!!I amn't guys Sarcastic...just playing....I hate my MAJOR.......don't let me get started about it....i will never finish.......Admire your knowledge guys in your majors!!!!
Just kidding....Take care !!!And talk about something that won't cause more arguments and casting..Peace RULES!!ANd don't forget about others FEELINGS too!Nino.
Argument is very challenging...till it
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

02-Feb-2001 03:20 AM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
"wasa" => "was"
"asronomiya" => "astronomiya" (hotya mozhet ty tak i zadumala)

"amn't" => no such thing, try "am not"
I LOVE STUDYING HERE, I fell in love with it only recently. I want to study here, it's awesome no matter what your major happened to be. I wish I had some money to spend on studying here and take MORE classes... nerrrrrrrrrrrrrrd

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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