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09-Feb-2001 02:31 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Just to see if you did it....
Thanks anyway.\
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 03:00 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Not yet! When? Had no time.
But I will.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 03:42 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Yerk! I suspected smth. like that about you, but you really opened up this time!
Man, I know now may more about you than you wanted us to know. You're a very interesting person in terms of your persistence in gaining knowledge. I'm just curious where it all goes and what do you do with that. If you don't mind I'd like to talk to you about some things.
It's awesome to think and actually know that you guys all in one way or another have qualities that make you outstanding and extraordinary people!
I myself never was patient enough to read technical books to the end, furthermore, I don't have a good memory for facts, usually it all stores in form of a general idea.
I just want to thank you for sharing some of your biography with us. It gives a new insight on your personality.
By the way, how about making an acquaintance page where everybody can get ot know each other? It would really help us to communicate better!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 03:44 PM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
V takoje trydnoje vremya kogda goryat goroda v centre Evropi, i Adol'fovskoje "Pyshki vmesto masla" grozitsya stat' devizom nekotorix stran... nadejys' k 6 june eto perejdet v "Pyshkin vmesto masla" chtobi pochtit' poeta i zabit' o vojne.
.. da.. chto-to pitalsya skazat', izvini - sam sebya zagovoril . Encyclodepija junogo Astronoma, Fizika, Ximika, Texnika, i eshche kakogo-nit' zasranca kotorij vmesto yrokov chtitaet ety eryndy naperekor roditel'skoj vole, - vse eti knizhki chital i ja, na somnevajys' najdetsya tyt eshche kto-nibyt'. Xoroshij tolchek dali mne eti knizhki.. spasibo im za eto, i tebe za to chto ix vspomnil.
Kstati, kakoj y tebya major? Ne obishajsya, zabil... razve tyt za vsemi vami, gymanitarijami, ysledish.
Ja nemnogo ponyal tip tvojego xaraktera, y menya eshche est' pary dryzej kak ti, poetomy vmesto togo chtobi sporit' s toboj podkiny tebe parochky interesnix faktov, kotorimi ti smozhesh blesnyt' popozhzhe.
    Ximicheskimi nazvanijami ne yvlekalsya?
  • metil-orange: Di`metil`amino`azo`benzo`syl'fo`kislota

  • zelenka : para`di`metilamino`trifenilo`angidrokso`karbinolo`oksalat.

  • XTC : 3,4-Methylenedioxy-N-Methylamphetamine or N-methyl-3,4-methylenedioxyphenylisopropylamine

Napisal bi eshche, tak nado bezhat', a to na Francais opozdajy...

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 05:54 AM
 Re: January, 26, 2001
Naschet zelenki i ecstasy ne znayu, no vot Methyl Orange ty pravilno raspisal (nu a kak zhe esche, skazhesh ty )) Ya, mezhdu prochim polnoe nazvanie znal, no uznal tolko nedavno - na rabote. Ono vot tak pishetsya na burzhuiskom:

4-[[p-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]azo]benzenesulfonic Acid, obychno v vide Sodium Salt. Raznovidnosti:
p-[[p-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]azo]benzenesulfonic Acid i
4-[[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl]azo]benzenesulfonic Acid

Mogu esche nazvat' kto proizvodit (po krainei mere chto berut tut), molekulyarnuyu massu i nomer po katalogu.

Major: po FSA ili moi domashnii? Nu koroche vot tak (tolko zapomni na etot raz, neslozhno):
FSA - Business;
KazNTU (Politeh v prostonarodye) - avtomatizatsiya tehnologicheskih processov i proizvodstv, korotko i yasno.

A u tebya? Chto-to vrode tipa biohimii ili togo, izvini tozhe ne pomnyu. Hot' univer tvoi pomnyu i to hleb.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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