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03-May-2001 10:55 PM
  Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!! Takogo bezpredela daje v ukraine net ...
V ocherrednoy raz ya okasalsya bez place to stay in. Prosche govorya moy dorm opyat' zakrit, nochevat' negde, vernnee est' gde no eto absolutno ne dorm, a hata off campus. Odno tolko raduyet - ne odin ya takoy ....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 02:30 AM
 Re: Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!! Takogo bezpredela daje v ukraine net ...
Ya vizhy syd'ba reshila prepodnesti tebe vse prelesti zhizni. To obschagy sozhgyt, to bomby podlozhat (to v gay-clube arestyut V obschem dazhe i ne znayu, slychainost' li eto ili zakonomernost'. Vozmozhno tvoya byinaya ukrainskaya ayra negativno vozdeistvyet na tihyu sel'skyu mestnost'...
Hotya mi tyt v MS tozhe ayroi ne podkachali. Ved' bylo zhe tornado - ybitkov na $6,000,000. Mozhet byt' naychno i ne dokazano, chto eto ACTR students povliyali, no my to znaem...
A naposledok, postaraisya tam dozhit' do 11 chisla, a to glyadish y vas tam v Murraye, ne dai bog, i vpryam' bomba vzorvetsya. Atomnaya.

Take care.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 04:19 AM
 Re: Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!! Takogo bezpredela daje v ukraine net ...
...tu nichego ne proiskhodit krome fire alarms... Da i tekh uzhe davno ne slyshno!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-May-2001 07:35 AM
 Re: Check this out !!!!!!!!!!!!! Takogo bezpredela daje v ukraine net ...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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