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17-Dec-2000 07:57 PM
  New project

I have another project to do. I need your help again. If you are tired of reading such kinda messages, I will understand you... But still I'd be really grateful if someone helped me. My final project is on "Ethical Dilema of Exported Movies". I wanna talk about American movies on Russian TV. They do not show the actual culture of eral America and create false impression about America, and too much sex and violence, sex and violence is much more common in exported American movies than on American Television. If anyone knows who controls movie export please tell me. AND name all the worst American movies that you saw on any chanels of former USSR countries (worse ne vsmysle tupoy, a vsmysle a lot of sex and violence, a soderzhanie fil'ma mozhet byt' i klassnoe)... da, i eschyo, give a hint what they are about, coz I might not know what they are about. and one more thing... tell me your opinion about it as representatives of Russian TV viewers ) (ne obyazatel'no Russian TV, lyuboy kanal lyuboy strany v Byvsh. sov soyuz.) it would help me a lot, kinda "survey". Like answer to the following:
1) Do you think there is a difference between American movies shown in the US and those exported?
2) Do you think sex and violence are seen in exported movies more often than in movies shown within US?
3) What was your impression of United States before coming here?
4) Was the impression you you had before coming similar to the real life you see here?
5) Do you think the movies you watched on Russian (or any other former Sov. country chanel) influenced that impression? If yes, how?
6) Do the American movies movies you see in your country reflect the American realty?
7) Do you think there should be put more control over Movie exporting from US?
any other comments (if any)

The project is due Tuesday, so I kinda lack of time. Thanks for support.


P.S. Any comments on the subject is welcome, but, please, no comments on my messages about my projects.

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 12-17-2000 08:23 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Dec-2000 07:41 AM
 Re: New project
Elki-palki, Roxi, kak mnogo!!!...

Ladno, schas ya poidu spat', a zavtra kak-nibud'
sdelayu reply. OK? Nu vot i ladnenko.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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