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04-Dec-2000 01:48 AM
  Exclusively for Freestyler
Hey, bro, I thought all affairs among us were long ago settled down. What the heck? remembering good old days?
I have no intentions to deal with you, sorry hot man.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 03:16 AM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
Bomfunk MC's - «Freestyler» (RealVideo) | (RealAudio)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 06:56 PM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
Cool song. I like it.


[ This message was edited by: Tiger on: 12-4-2000 19:55 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 07:50 PM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
Hey, Tiger!

It was not me who posted it, but this song is COOL!!! It is MY nick's song, so listen to it everyday three times: morning, afternoon, and evening.

Hahaha 8-)))

That was a joke, I need to clarify, cause I am affraid there are enough block heads on this portal who do not have any sense of humour.

See you, man!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 07:53 PM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
Plese, do not abuse my nick, or I will be compelled to take measures against the offender.

The song is good, but you could post it from your own behalf. Or you are to ashamed to post using your own nick?!

See ya
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 08:05 PM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
Does it mean that we have 2 Freestylers now? I don't see any difference in the nicks, either you both know the password, in the case of which the real Freestyler shouldn't complaint cause gave the pass word himself, or if not then should change it, either the second Freestyler is just a jerk who learnt how to use others nicks and can use anyone's nick, which should be taken strict measures about. Or the third variant is that the one and the ONLY Freestyler is talking to himself, which means that he is not quite fine, and need to see a psychologist.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 08:10 PM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
However I looked more attentively and got the difference, the real Freestyler has a capital letter to begin with, while the second one one begins with a small letter, and the last two messages are accordingly written by one and the same person. Now I tell to this person: GO AND SEE THE PSYCOLOGIST, YOU REALLY NEED IT!!!

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Dec-2000 12:32 AM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
See Tiger, it is not really necessary for me to have your password to post what I want using your name.

Yours sincerely,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Dec-2000 12:59 AM
 Re: Exclusively for Freestyler
freestyler, you are just a guest under my nick here, coz u r a jerk.

To those who love to correct mistakes: Beginning sentence with a small letter is not a mistake in this case, coz the fake freestyler is not worth capital letters.

Tiger (the real one)
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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