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11-Feb-2001 05:14 AM
 Re: chat
Captain Nemo. Bortovoi zhurnal. Sunday (Saturday night, I'd say), February 11, 2001 - 1:00 am Pacific Time.

Ne mogu zaiti v chat - prosto zamorozilo na "Connecting to chat server..." i tak kazhdyi raz, skolko ne proboval. Nehorosho.

Andryuha, protiv nichego ne imeyu. Ponimayu, kogda tuzhishsya, delaesh chto-to, a kogda ne rabotaet, to lyudi nachinayut vozmuschatsya - halyavchiki. No fakt faktom - NE PASHET.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 06:00 AM
 Re: chat
ingoda pashet, inogda net.
Vot ya sizu odna sdes'. Segodnya uzhe 3 raza zdes bila i kazhdyi raz bez problem.. A vot vcheraaaaa.....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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