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07-Feb-2001 11:19 PM
  I need an answer...
And they say:
"She's a lucky, she's star,"
But she cries. cries, cries,
In the lonely heart thiking:
"if there is nothing missing in my life,
Then why do these tears come at night?"

She is so lucky,
If there is nothing missing in her life,

Answers appreciated.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 11:26 PM
 Re: I need an answer...
Hi, Roxy!

The answer is just there "In the LONELY heart thiking" - as long as there is no one to cheer her up, she'll cry.
That's all!

See you soon
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 01:07 AM
 Re: I need an answer...
Dorina's right,

She wonders: "Why?"
Because her heart
Is lonely in the night.

What all the riches in the world
If there are no friends?
Or friends who don't understand
Her pain which never ends.

But if she looks into her heart
There is a faith and hope.
The Faith into the loving God
And everlasting Hope.

His Love will fill the chasm inside,
Will quench the fire of pain
And she'll be walking by His side
And won't cease in vain.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 04:18 AM
 Re: I need an answer...
Roxy! Ti slishkom mnogo smotrish TV!! >:-/
I voobshe tebe nado uchitsya!! Hvatit plakat!! Vitiray nosik i idi delat uroki!
a esli seryezno, to ya s toboyu! Ne grusti, ves fun eshe v peredi!
"Nad moey propastyu,
U samoy lopasti
Krujatsya globusi
Stariye fokusi
Ya je rasplakals, ya ne jeleznaya
Mama Amerika, v 22 berega!
Ti ne otpuskay menya, ne otpuskay
ne otpuskay menya, vdrug kto uvidit.
Vechnaya yunaya, srazu za dyunami
Jdet tebya parusnik, mnoyu pridumanniy
22 mesyaca, globusi besyatsya
Lyudi proshayutsya, ne ne vozvrashayutsya
Golubi pryachutsya v nebo ne hochetsya
V spiske ne znachitsya
I znachit ne molitsya, ti razbegaeshsya
Nad moyey propastyu posle raskaeshsya
I krilyami lopasti!"
love, Aisuluu
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 07:14 PM
 Re: I need an answer...
Ice, great!!!
Tol'ko odno: Eto ya ne telik smotrela, ya prosto pesnyu slushala na computere, i potom, ya ne plachu. If you thought that something was wrong with me, the I assure you, I am ok, I'm fine, don't worry, but thanks anyway.
A sprosila ya eto sovershenno sluchayno... Prosto eta pesnya nachalas' kak raz togda kogda ya v forume byla, vot ya i sprosila.

Thanks for the answers .

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 10:39 PM
 Re: I need an answer...
Just wanted to write here my favourite words from the song of "Scorpions":
You were born just to loose or to win,
To be someone's child in the wind,
To love between your mind and feelings...
"Scorpions"--"I was born to touch your feelings"
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 04:36 AM
 Re: I need an answer...
just wanted to say...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

20-Feb-2001 11:13 PM
 Re: I need an answer...
Nu chto zh,raz nachali pesni to ne grex i Ariu vspomnit'...Uzh tochno luchshe chem vsiakaia popsa...

Я не верил, что я мертв

Я слышал брань и плачь

Видел, как над телом

Там, внизу, шаманил старый врач

Я плыл в черной пустоте

Я обретал покой

Свет в конце тоннеля

Как магнит тянул к себе дух мой...

    Не хочешь - не верь мне!

Свет был ярче тысяч солнц

Я понял - это Бог!

Не бездушный идол,

А живой, сверкающий поток

Свет заставил вспомнить всех

С кем дрался и грешил

Он заставил вспомнить

Каждый шаг бунтующей души...

    Не хочешь - не верь мне!

    Я не хочу той пустоты

    Я не хочу той чистоты

    Я не хочу той высоты

    Я не прошел всего пути!

    Я не хочу той высоты

    Я не хочу той чистоты

    Я не хочу той пустоты


Я звал друга, но никто

Не слышал голос мой

Я рванул сквозь стены

Но никто не бросился за мной

Там, внизу, горел асфальт

От сбитых с неба звезд

Мне хотелось ветра

Чтобы бил наотмашь и насквозь.

Ne po teme,zato krasivo...kto ne soglasen,mozhete zaiti na ia lichno rasskazhu kuda on mozhet zasunut' svoe personal opinion...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

01-Mar-2001 10:22 PM
 Re: I need an answer...
hey roxy!
sorry for misunderstanding. anyway, mne slova nravyatsya, i skorpions nravitsya. a vot kto-to chto-to napisal, naverno na russian, no ya nemgou chitat. guys, pliiz post in english;
take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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