Brat-3: ACTR Students Community
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18-Aug-2000 07:30 AM
Dorogoy McCloud, POzhaylusta dlya tupyh i nedalekih vrode menya - OPREDELIS'!!! Konechno priyatno osoznavat' sebya v odnoy programme s drevnim Shotlandtsem pRozhivaYuschem V aMerikanskoy derevne, no yA esche ne volshebnik, a tol'ko uchus' i ne umEyu kak starina Sherlok uGadyvat' lichnost' po nicku.
PokornEyshe pRoshu Vseh kto vhoDit' pod nickom podisyVat'sya real'nym imenem i esli ne vlom - gorod i state - dlya yAsnosti i sVyazi rechi.
Nu hotyaby v pervy raz, nu poZhaluysta!
Nurbek (Nebraska- Lincoln).
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Fri Sep 07:09 am
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