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05-Feb-2001 05:26 PM
This topic is for ideas, recommendations, opinions, and anything else considering my message in the Vsem! topic.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 05:53 PM
I competely agree with you, X, and with your last message in "Vsem" too. A pro kakie articles online ty govoril? sorry, didn't quite get it.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 06:27 PM
see my posted answer in VSEM
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 11:21 PM
OK, here we go!
I just summarized ideas that were posted by Alina and Rukhshona. Look! These are only from two people!
Awesome! Read and add what you think we missed, or write your own ideas! ANY!
It's a brainstorming stage guys! Write the wildest things you can think of!

1. Start making changes little-by-little.

2. Form youth Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs)

3. Educational conferences across the country

4. Publishing books and articles about democracy and human rights and other topics.

5. Organize charities like discos and give the proceeds to the orphanages

6. Write proposals for grants from US government and other investors like Soros.

7. Start projects in the high schools

8. Form Parent-Teacher Associations, train them in Leadership and Development, Principles of Community Service, Human and Financial Resource Management and Computer Literacy. Train these PTA's to take care of their schools because government doesn't always have money to take care of them. Teach them how to make contact with the big organizations in the community, how to organize fund-raisers, how to involve the community into the lives
of the schools.

9. Educational system. Are there any Education majors that have any ideas?

10. Economists can put together sites about small and medium sized businesses that want to partner with foreign organizations.

11. Joining education, economic situation and media in our society

12. Help those other through the media and help the media by helping those other.

We also can start researches in the the areas that interest us right now! Put together sources while we have the means to do that!

We can put links to I-Net sources on the main page of this portal, so everybody can reach the needed info whenever he needs it.

We can start making contacts with businesses and investors here, while they are close at hand!

We can contact NGOs back home to find out their needs. And see if we can help them from here.

Guys, if we wanna do something, let's start moving! What are your suggestions?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

05-Feb-2001 11:24 PM
Privet Rebyata!

Ya bul ochen', ochen' rad prochitat' pismo Nurbeka... i vse vashi postu! Budem jit'!

Znaete, eto naverno luchiy podarok na den' rojden'ya kotoruy ya mog bu pojelat'.... spasibo...

Vu ved' prishli k tomu vuvodu shto ya i putalsya vam skazat'... pravda neumelo....
Ved' Mu vse etp politicheskaya, biznesovaya, nauchnaya, kul'turnaya elita svois stran! VED' ETO MU! MU S VAMI! Poetomu eto NASHE S VAMI DELO!... konechno.. v odinochku mnogo ne sdelaesh.... no meste... da.. mu sila... kak skazal Nurbek!
I echo another issue... ved' svyazi kotorue mu sechas s vami ustanavlivaem, nam poslujat v buduyuchem! Ya uveren shto mnogie iz nas stanut vidnumi deyatelyami v svoih stranah! I stav druzyami sechas - mu budem sblijat' svoi stranu!
Davayte drujit' stranami:-))))

Teper' konkretnue predlojeniya:
ya schitayu shto zadacha #1 eto privlechenie drugih studentov. Pole dlya rabotu est'... ya tak sebe dumayu shto tol'ko v ACTR est' okolo tusycahi studentov... (FSA udergraduate, Flex, Maski)... pole dlya raboty est'... da i tak studentov polno.... a studentu vsegda buli samumoy progresivnoy chastyu naseleniya...

Poetomu, davayte dumat' kak nam privlech pobolshe narodu k etomu.

vopros #2.

Ya tak polagayu shto etot site budet bazoy. Sami vidite, ya putalsya ego kakto tyanut'... no do sih por vse eto delo shlo praktichki na odnom moem entuziazme...
Est' li u kogo kakieto konkretnue predlojeniya kak mne uluchit' etot site? a ya kakto vudelyu vremya na to shtobu eto vse sdelat'

vopros #3. Esli vu hotite, ya mogu sdelat' slujbu rassulki. Toest' tu pishesh na 1 adres, a pis;mo vashe poluchayut vse podpischiki....

hm.... from another hand... mojet but' takaya situaciya shto luidi perestanut hodit' na etot portal.. esli ves' communication budet po email... chego bu ne hotelos'...

anyway, pishite vse vashi idei...

AlikUS, tak u tebya est' info po joint ventures?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2001 01:32 AM
it is what i can think about at the moment (if any new ideas, i'll add them)& can you see my major in it? ))

take part in the local activities, like campus environmental commitee
(our NEC envir. action commitee organized speech of the guys who are directly connected with making all kinds of things with solar power - it was so educative and personally i was absolutely excited and impressed of how much we do not know about it)
share you knowledge - it can be as simple as to tell about the book you really liked to your friends, like i was surprized to know that the idea fo natural capitalism is not absolute utopia as i thought before and it can work - this book is something!
think a little and you will realize how little you actually need for life, which means how much you can give and do for people around who need it.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2001 02:43 AM
Neo, sending letter to one address, so that others would get it is not a bad idea. But I would still come to the forum, coz the letters would reach those who want to regularly get them, while this portal is for everyone, every visitor is welcome to read anything written here. And I think if someone wanted to send a letter to everyone, it still wouldn't be bad to post it here too.

Nurbek, good summary!!! I wanted to add something, re media and education, don't know what would be the better way to explain it; I would say media education. A lot of people studying jouranalism (that's what we call Mass Communication here) jsut don't really understand what media IS. If that was my choice, I would definitely change the way mass communication is learnt there. Here you get a chance to be heard by everyone in the very first semester of your study (let's say being a DJ), so by the time the students graduate, they are way much better than our students, or those who graduated and had been working for some time. Thus: creating the ability to use those facilties for students. A University Radio Station wouldn't be a bad idea. Here you'd need a station for a campus, there we wouldn't even need a station! Just a comtrol room with all the needed equipment (mic., CD player, tape recorder, headset, switcboard, and several speakers to hang in different spots in the University, so that everyone could hear it). And let's say instead of making people read all the unneeded crap from some book or lectures, that who have to tell orally. Reading the books which contain useful info is great, but it would be a good idea if instead of retelling all that stuff in the exam orally, the exam would be showing your practical skills. If you completed so much hours on air on the radio, you'll get your grade, according to the quality of your production of course. I don't know about other CIS countries, but we don't have this in Tajikistan. Same for the classes with the emphasis on TV. Would be a great thing if the University talked to some TV manager, and asked to give some time for the University, the time that students could use for working on their skills.

This is it for now. If any other ideas, i'll post them.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2001 05:30 PM
hey guys i wanna know, if for example i want to help my country, put efforts and stuff... , and am just unable to do that if the government prohibits me to do.... if government just "don't give a f*** about my desire, about my patriotism, about my ideologies, what shell i do???"
all ur projects r exciting but i don't think anyone in my country will have an opportunity to operate them.

as y'all know the basic problem in our countries is like M.Jackson says:
"Everybody say that THEY don't really care about US!"

i wish y'all good luck, and in anyway i am with y'all.

NEO, ur last idea is dangerous, i mean u r right, if u will organize mail delivery or whatever, less and less people gonna visit this portal.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2001 07:40 PM

I thought about this project, and came to aconclusion which actually consists of a bunch of questions...
What are we gonna do with this project? Is it really a project? (The suposed answers to these 2 questions were "Nothig" and "No"). We are now talking about what could be done for the development of our countries. Hey, it's damn good idea! But that's the problem: it's JUST AN IDEA. And does any of you really beleive that his is all gonna happen? That we could really do it? I'd say no. Coz I don't think any one here is gonna do something great and nobel for his country before he sets up his own living. I really want to help my country and do my best, but I know I can do absolutely NOTHING for the country before I set up my own life. And that's true for evryone. I really meant all the stuff I meant, but I meant that I would first need years of experience. And now you come with all those ideas... And... Casper is right, what if the government doesn't support you, coz they don't gve a shit what you are gonna do for you country, they need policy, you might be a concurent for them, and they don't want that to happen. With all these ideas I feel like I'm playing a game or I'm in a movie or a cartoon, where the kids who can barely walk are doing the "great" things and saving everyone's life. May be someone still could change my mind from what i said. And that wouldn't be hard at all, if you really know what you are doing, coz I don't. Just explain me what you're gonna do wit those ideas?
Vmeste my sila, pravil'no... no vmeste li my? Who can guarantee me that if I call you in some 6 years, you would still remember who I am? And if you do, than can you at least promise me that you'd do for me what I ask you to do, which would be helpfull for my country, if it's legal, doesn't contradict the policy of your country and company that you work for, not dangerous, but I'm not paying for it, or paying many time less than you get usually, and you'd have to do that just for promise, that if that works out I'll be gratefull and we will be willing to help to establish friendship between our nation? Would anyone here do that for me? NO! because what I'd say is just a promise based on nothig, and promising empty words (I don't say that those would be empty words, I'd be sencere), that ould just sound shallow. And if I pay you really good, then you'd do that coz you are paid, and it's much easier to find people to work realy hard on something, if they are paid enough.
And I think that some of you (most of you), would forget who I am in less than two years, not to talk about 6 or more.
Anyone feels the same? Speak out! It's better to decide it now in the beginning.

But I still thinkit's a good idea... for those who beleive in it. I don't. Sorry, just can't help it, but I really think it's kinda a game.

Good Luck,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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