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06-Feb-2001 07:59 PM
First of all, no one will forget you if we keep coming here and talking to each other and sharing what we think and plan.
Secondly, I don't think most of us are that cheap, to go after payment. Yeah, I wouldn't come audit your government for free, but if I knew I would help you throw out a bunch of bastards from the government and sue them and get people's money back, I'd do it. And I'd do it in my country first. And who said we have to give up our lives for this. Why do you guys think that it takes a lot of sacrifice to help your country out. Yes it does take some sacrifices. Did anyone notice that one phrase I had in my post about what YFA did for Armenia? YOU DON'T NEED TO DO A REVOLUTION! Like Tina Turner says, We don't need another hero...
All we need is for people to do things little by little. Look what Neo does. He said he helped 4 Ukrainian families, may be 5 weeks from now, it'll be 20 families, another five weeks and it might be 50 families... Why don't you see that it's the little and sincere things that make up the big difference...
Roxy, what if you went home and put that project together and wrote a proposal to some darn foreign educational fund and put together a radiosistema in your university. I am 100% sure you can find fellow students to help you with it. And kto to skazal chto nasha nauka derjitsa na amerkanskix grantax. Nu i chto? As long as derjitsa. Kogda izbavimsya ot korruptsii i deneg budet bol'she, ne nado budet nikakix amercan funds. Tak chto be patient.
Vopros: kak izbavitsa ot korruptsii. This is the topic I originally wanted to post on. U menya voznikla sumasshedshaya no ochen' interesnaya misl'. Nas skol'ko? dvesti? ili men'she? U kazhdogo is nas skol'ko druzey? 10 ili bol'she? Tak davayte organizuyem nedelyu chestnosti ili kak eshchyo xotite nazvat' etu nedelyu.
The same week all of us simultaneously will organize campaigns against corruption. I mean HUGEEEE campaigns. Ved' nashi zhe universiteti zavyazli v korruptsii, chto tam pro government govorit'. Kazhdiy znayet chto knowledge nichego ne znachit, den'gi yest' otsenka budet. Tak vot, tseluyu nedelu budem posteri delat', yesli smozhem oranizuyem vstrechi studentov s govermnet officials po voprosu borbi s korruptsiyey. A v kontse nedeli mozhem v odin i tot zhe den' viyti na march, vo vsex gorodax otkuda yest' studenti. Ili, chto budet bolee sil'nim, v stolitsax SNG.
Ya dumayu chto we need to make people talk. We need to make people hear our voices. We need people to know that there are people who still care....
Eto tol'ko idea. Open forum. Any comments are welcome ya ne obizhus' please. This idea has been in me for a while already, even before this discussion started.
Tak chto zhdu otzivov i kritiki (kak ni stranno)!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Feb-2001 11:03 PM
Hello everybody! I am from DE portal but I hope you won't mind my getting in here to share some thoughts)
Somehow I can understand those people who think that we cannot make any difference in our countries' lives because we are inexperienced or because the system is set up the way it is,etc. Honestly, from time to time I am awfully scared of going back home, sometimes it seems to me that it will be going back to somewhere where nobody needs you(I don't mean my family and friends of course, I am sure they will always be there to help me), I mean kogda ya vspominayu shto ya tam ostavila, serost', daily routine, monotonous everydayness, people desperately trying to do sth and failing almost for sure. I feel scared. But fortunetely it is at these kinda times that I think it can't go on like that forever, it has to change and it has to BE changed, mi jdem peremen, JDEM?! It might take too long to wait for them...
I think a very important thing to do is to make other students in our countries who have not been here REALIZE after all that they are something and that they can achieve sth, because the prevalent thinking is that you can't do anything unless you get out of the country. I don't agree with that and I think that a good way of showing is our own example, we were there, we achieved sth, we saw lotsa things, we had fun, now we are back, and man, we have the energy to turn the wheels going.
I think that what we could do is to stick to each other first of all in our countries,I mean like an alumni association in Armenia, and all the other countries, I am sure there is sth like that.we can organize conferences or sth like that on that local level first and then cooperate on a wider range. And by saying conference I mean involving as many people, YOUNG people, and give them a chance to present their thoughts and ideas, cuz it is the young people who are still creative enough not to get stuck in stereotypes and systems. If such small things succeed it will serve as an incentive for more people to get involved.
Alinka, I liked your idea of a campaign that would be in all our cities at the same time, it would show that first, there is a LOT of us, and that we are all united and hopefully organized.
As to a suggestion, I think it would be cool to have a newspaper, or even a small newsletter would do for the beginning, to show what is going on and to outline stuff that is to be done so that people know about it. Even if it is online , where we could post topics and articles and evaluate what has been done, and it would also help us keep in touch with each other, because once we all get home it's gonna be more and more difficult to stay united.
Keep in touch!!! Don't forget that there is lotsa I's with their personal interests but that they all together form a big WE,
see you here Gayaneh.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 12:17 AM
People, MY ZHE MOZHEM SHTOTO CHEREZ ALUMNI ZDELAT!!! Mozhna zh poprobovat ACCELS rozkrutit, ouskay babki dayut, a my uzhe pridumayem kuda ih devat! Mozhna slazhenye meetingi v nashyh stranah organizovyvat, SLAZHENYE, sinhronno!!! Ved v kazhdom univere est profkomy, ved vo mnogih gorodah est oficy ACCELZA. Mozhna kohda nibut chtoto grandioznoye na ves SNG zdelat, ta zhe samaya IDEYA BORBY S KORUPCIYEY, snachala na universitetskom urovne, potom mozhna i do GAI dobratsa, agitirovat studentov voditeley ne davat vzatok ;-)
Nu mozhno zhe poprobyvat, mozhet htoto i dast nam grant kakoyto!!!
A esho mozhna rozkrutit ih na vstrechu alumni!! Ved esli by my vstretilisa, my by druzami horoshymi stali, a tak shtoto delat namnoho legche?
Est predlozheniya???
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 12:40 AM
Taras s nami!!!!!!!!!!
Ya tak rada chto ti nakonets to reshil chto koechto mozhno sdelat', xotya bi poprobovat' mozhno. No nashchyot accelsa ya vot chto vam rasskazhu. Ya zhe v etom "biznesse" uzhe 4 goda, posle togo kak vernulas' iz FLEX.Kogda mi nashu organizatsiyu organizovali tak s togo dnya vse nashi predprinimatya ACCELS i US embassy financiruyut. TAk chto ti na pravil'nom puti.
No sushestvuyet something called Us REP AAA (US Research and educational program Armenian Alumni Association) tak vor vse alumni of Ugrad, Muskie and other things like Fullbright, RSEP itd itp, vxodyat v etu organizatsiyu no oni ochen seryozniye i tol'ko conferentsii da i delayut. Ya konechno tuda voydu, chto yest' i to pomoshch'. No ya tochno znayu chto eti veschi o chyom ya govorila i TAras podderzhal mi luchshe sdelayem bez ni kogo. Tak mozhem snachala organizovat' bol'shuyu konferentsiyu gde nibud' v SNG, vstretit'sa, pogovorit' potolkovat', no ne dumayu chto ACCELS nas budet finansirovat' yesli im ne predstavit' agenda, what we are gonna talk about and what we wanna do and stuff. TAk chto ya bi predlozhila snachala skoordinirovat' vsex Ugrad studentov v nashix je stranax, a potom pereyti k konferentsii, daje na nashi je den'gi, dumayu gde bi ona ne sluchilas' mi vsegda naydom druzey kotoriye nas primut v svoyi doma na 2-3 nochi. A kogda vstretimsya, beregites' vzyatochniki, mi vam takoe pridumayem!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
A ya vsyo dumayu dumayu pro etot campaign against corruption, i takiye misli voznikayut kak eto vsyo organizovat'. Yesli vi rebyata dumayete eto actual'no and it's feasible, mogu vilozhit' svoi karti .
A idea pro studentov-driverov otlichnaya!!!!!!!!
Looks like Taras has some brains. Ya tak rada chto ti prisoyedinilsya.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 01:00 AM
Nu ya vasheto nikuda ne sobiralsa prisoedinatsa, ;-) prosto tak podumal chto bylo by interesno a hlavnoye polezno takoye delo organizovat.
Odin komment, nam ved po lubomu nado s ACCELSOM budet rabotat', u nih zhe vse koordinaty alumni itd itp. I deneh mozhna i nih nabrat dostatochno, nu dla nachala hot na chtoto prostoye. Nu tak vot, poka my v shtatah, mozhno ved shtoto i probit, ved doma eto budet NAMMNOHO tazheleye zdelat.
Davayte sholi plan kakoyto poshlem kudato ;-), mozhet v nature sponsora naydem, i grant hhvatanem
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 01:23 AM
ya rad slushat' ot tebya konstruktivnuyu ideyu!!!
koneshno, nujno ispolzovat' vse sredstva po privlecheniyu deneg.. i ACCELS ne hudshiy variant...

Alina... tu skazala horosho.. ya s toboy soglasen... no eto budet neskoro...
u menya tut poyavilas' muslya! Vrode neplohaya... Ya vam uje opisuval situaciyu u sebya na rodine... toest' tam slojilas' situaciya takova shto bolee menee svobodno mojno vurajat' svoi tol'ko v inete... ya govoril s neskolkimi lyud'mu i promelknula ideya organizovat' internet izdanie dlya ukr immigrantov... i ne tol'ko..

ya vot podumal... a zachem nam ogranichivat'sya Ukrainoy? Sng! vot bu neplohaya cel'! sami vidite sho v nshih stranah tvoritsya!


A pol'za!!!! OGROMNAYA!!!!!!!!!!! Skajite... kto iz vas predstavlyal situaciyu v Ukraine??? edinicu v luchem sluchae!
V sovremenom mire INFORMACIYA samoe mochnoe sredstvo! Vse diktatoru eto ponimayut.. vot i pritesnyayut mass media!!

Blin!!! Mne vse bolshe nravitsya eta ideya!!!!!!
A sredi nas est' jurnalistu! i vache specialistu vseh vidov!!!
Sechas eto luchee shto mu mogli bu sdela'!!! A ne jadt' vozvracheniya!

Opyat' je, esli vse sdlat' s umom, pod etot proekt mojna bulo bu poluchit' grant... tem bolee shto ne tak uj i mnogo nado... Plyus, na etom sayte mogli bu provodit' kakuyuto fundrising deyatel'nost'...

Vobchem pishite vashi musli...

P.S. vu kak hotite, a ya eto budu delat' v lyubom sluchae...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 02:48 AM
Ya budu pomogat' kak mogu, Andrey. Ya bol'she smyslyu v ekonomike chem v journalism. No pomogu kak smogy obeshchayu!!! Tak s chego xochesh nachat'??
Vo pervixj nujno izvedomit' press agenstv v nashix stranax chto gotovitsa takoye-to-takoye, chto oni mogut nas snabjat' informatsiyey kotoruyu oni ne mogut disclose at home, ili ix budut chastize za eto.
potom nujno opredelit' zaglaviye i glavniye subtitles, divisions in which we'll be categorizing info. I can give you those right now. Lyuboy journalist ix znayet-Politics-dlya kajdoy strani, i SNG-ovskiye novosti, ekonomika toje samoye, i arts and culture toje samoye. Journalisti nu davayte je. Dumayu chto nashi armyanskiye studenti budut radi prisoyedinitsa.
Neo, you can write to my brat3 address. I always chek it, or
Com'on guys, you've all got brains use'em!!!!!!
PS. I've got a lot of homework for econ, but I"ll drop by at midnight to check out what you guys posted here.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 06:14 AM
nu oki guys... ya rad shto mne eto ne pridetsya delat' v odinochku...
hehe:-)))) duk ya toje k jurnalizmu ne imeyu nikakogo otnosheniya..... nu pochti:-))
bul odin proekt.. posmotrite i pokritikyte:-)) no eto ves' moy journalist experience..
vobche to ya business major.... nu est' oput organizacii raznuh ventures...

about etot project... 3 issues are facingus:
shto pisat'? dlya kogo pisat'? kak pisat'?
1) shto?
dumayu vusvetlyat' realnuyu situaciyu v stranah
2) dlya kogo?
target? diaspora v USA? ili narod doma? ili both?
3) sposob kak vse eto delat'? gde brat' content.... kak ego i gde publikovat'..

vobchem kucha voprosov... vetom dumayu nam doljnu pomoch mass media majors!!!! Gospoda! Vot vam real life project! unikalnaya vozmojnost' poluchit' experience!

All ideas and suggestions are welcome...

P.S. Vse kto zainteresovalsya etim proektom - pojalusta dayte svoe soglasie v etom topike, i ostavte emails!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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