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07-Feb-2001 08:11 PM
Rebyat, skol'ko zhe v vas pessimisma..
Voobsche to ya s vami soglasen - eto tol'ko idea sumashedshego studenta. NO. Kak govoril nas veliki dedushka Lenin: "Iz iskry vozgoritsa plamya", on zhe eto i dokazal.
My ne prosto studenty, my ne srednestatisticheskie infantil'nye, serye dushi. Vspomnite kakoy otbor byl proveden chtoby my smogli suda priehat'! Ya ne boyus' skazat' chto mnogie budut reshat' sud'by svoih stran v nedalekom buduschem.
Soglasen, v nashih stranah seychas bardak. Ludi poteryali nadezhdu na buduschee, poteryali veru.
Soglasen, nevozmozhno izmenit' situatsiyu slozhivshuyusa v SNG kakoy to kuchke studentov. NO razve my obychnye studenty? Esli situatsiyu mozhet izmenit' kazhdy, to zachem nam vmeshivat'sa? I bez nas razberutsa! A vot dlya nevozmozhnyh situatsiy trebuyutsa osobye ludi, kotorye mogut dokazat' chto bezvyhodnyh polozheniy ne suschestvuet.
Neuzheli vy hotite opuskatsa do ordinarnyh situatsiy, kotorye mozhet razreshit' lyuboy chinusha? Dlya togo li vy rodilis' na svet chtob prozhit' kak serost' i umeret' kak serost' vmeste s millionami drugih serostey?
Neuzheli ne hochetsa uvidet' schastlivye ulybki rodnyh i druzey, izmenit' hod istorii, slomat' stereotipy? Dazhe esli est' tol'ko odin shans iz sta, tysyachi, milliona? Razve ne stoit popytat'sa? Neuzheli vy ne ustali ot takoy zhizni?
Mechty imeyut svoystvo sbyvatsa, esli my verny im.

About ACTR/ACCELS. Velosiped izobretat' ne nado. V kazhdoy respublike est' officy ACCELS kotorye pomogayut studentam obmena, obyedinyayut ih i finansiruyut ih proecty. Oni dazhe spetsial'no vydelyayut ezhegodnye summy, okolo $1200.
Idea pravil'naya. Chem bitsa goovoy ob stenu, luchshe ispol'zovat' suschetvuyushie resursy, tem bolee zachem otkazyvatsa kogda dayut? Vse officy svyazanny mezhdu soboy. Vypuskaetsa newsletter "Breadly Herald", esli vy slyshali. Newsletter publikuet statyi i predlozheniya studentov vseh respublic uchastvuyuschih v obmene.

U nas rebyata sdelali uzhe dovol'no mnogoe:

- Regulyarno provodyatsa aktsii pomoschi detskim domam. Oni odeli i obuli tri detskih doma, odin iz kotoryh dlya detey invalidov broshennyh roditelyami.

- Provodyatsa debaty mezhdu studentami UZ, KZ, i KG.

- Organizovanny letnie kursy Angliskogo dlya shkol'nikov.

- Deistvuet NGO "K-Stan" napravlennaya na soc. nuzhdy stolitsy.
- Provodyatsa aktsii dlya domov prestarelyh i bol'nits.

- Nashi studenty uchastvovali v monitoringe vyborov prezidenta.

Ya uveren chto vo mnogih stranah proishodit chto-to podobnoe. S nulya nam podnimat' nichego ne nado.
Edinstvennoe chto trebuetsa, eto nashe aktivnoe uchastie.
Predlozhit' doma idei i narabotki, kotorye my sostavim uzhe zdes'.
Ne teryat kontakta.
Aktivno sotrudnichat' drug s drugom.

To chto my zdes' imeem, eto chto-to novoe. Organizatsii doma malo sotrudnichayut mezhdu soboy. Oni esche ne probovali rabotat' v professional'noy sfere. Oni politicheski maloaktivny. My mozhem vse eto izmenit'.

Delo za nami.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 09:05 PM
Ubedili. But in spite of being a Mass Comm major, I don't really like writing for newspapers or magazines. I'm in electronic media. I'll try to do whatever I can. But I'm not a newspaper person. I know what think: if you're in Mass Comm, that includes Mass Media, means that you have to be a Media person, not just a TV or Radio person.
If that's your opinion, I won'teven be upset with that, I myself think that's right, sometimes... But I LOVE TV and I don't like newspapers. However, right, I'm a Mass Comm major, and if I had to, I would write.
Anyways... I think I'm in, but even I decide that I'm not, and you need help, let me know. Just in case, my EM is:

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 09:06 PM
Privet rebyata!!! JUst wanted to say that I am in for this project whatever form it will take and I am ready to help with anything within my capability.
As another option for funds I'd suggest turning to the Amerian universities I know there are AUs in almost all of our countries, and on the contrary to the mainstream usual univers there is usually more stuff going on there, they are more active nad most important they have more money. I thnk that if we have an outline of what we wanna do we can turn to them.
As to the three questions Neo raised about what audience we should expect and where we should get the info from, I think it should be in English, so that it is targetted not only to the people in our countries and the diaspora, but also everybody internationally who might be interested in it. As to getting the info, I don't think we could rely on cooperating with our local news agencies, it is a matter of money and of course svyazey, I think we better do it ourselves, I mean the reporters work and stuff like that rather than using what others have gathered. Though I am not a journalism major I have some experience in that field and I'd love to do everything I can.
What if we set a day and time so that everybody could get in the chat together and discuss it "v pryamom efire"?
And another thing, in addition to the subdivisions that you guys mentioned, I think it was Alincho, like politics economics and stuff, I think there should be a special column devoted to alumni activities, like summing up what we did, but that is of course when we already get back.
FSAevci vsex stran, we do matter and we can do it, lets meet in a chat all at once, I am excited about starting I am not completely sure what, I have to put my ideas in order first, but I positively like eto sostoyanie nachinaniya i formirovaniya idey, I'll be back with anything I come up with, seryozno, u menya uje ruki cheshutsya shto nibud delat'.
poka eto,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 09:10 PM
Neo, i think you're better in journalism than you think you are. And you also pointed out three of the most important questions that we learn in Mass Media. Actually there five:
Says what?
To whom?
In what channel?
With what effect?

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 09:23 PM
Guys, what you think about culture?
Ethics is a big issue in our countries. What about educational programs for highschoolers?
Also, I think, even more important is revival of traditions and awareness of our history.

Any ideas?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 10:02 PM
hm... Kom... ya j skazal, shto ya business type of person:-))) a business eto osnova osnov:-))) pust' mne prostyat predtstaviteli drugih majorov:-)))...
i vobche.... vse shto ya pishu eto prosto naprosto matter of common sense.. a ne majora...

ok... znachit tak... uje est' neskolko chelovek kotorue vurazili svoe jelanie pomoch..

a kak tam nash imeninik:-))?
Nurbek, tu govorish tolkovue vechi... no nam sechas nado s chegoto nachat'... nachat' delat' konkretnoe delo...
a eto izdanie - kak raz i bulo bu konkretnum delom...
podusudi sam...
1) Mu provide information to people! INFORMATION!!!! To chego rak boyatsya vse diktatoru!!!

2) Mu poluchaem tribunu. Toest' est' baza dlya drugih projects. s kakoy mojna delat' poisk sponsorov.. grantov etc...

pri slojivshemsya rasklade ya dumayu eto samuy realnuy proekt... kotoruy mu MOJEM sdelat', i sdelat' SECHAS! a ne dojidayas' vozvracheniya domoy....

esli u tebya est' kakkieto drugie idei: budu rad vuslushat'... no tol'ko nujno govorit' konkretno!

Teper', kak tolko mu dstignem soglasiya v etom proekte, nado eto vse obdumat'...

Kom - mu ne budem prostoy gazetoy!!!
I davayte teper' iskat' otvetu na postavlenue voprosu...

Uje bulo neskol'ko tolkovuh idey.
English - pravilno.
sami pisat' - hm.... ya tochno sam ne smogu... hot' i za essay na TOEFL 5.5 poluchil... i pisat' umeyu...
No esli ktoto smojet- pojalusta...

Info iz local agentsv - u menya est' contakts s Ukrainskimi... i etu temu ya bu mog razvit'... nikto nikakih deneg ne trebuet...
Ya dumayu shto i s ostalnumi stranami toje ne budet problem..
Po nachalu mu mogli bu perevodit' ih info na english i publikovat' u sebya.


znachit tak.... sechas reshaem 3 voprosa:
1) ili etot proekt ili net, esli net to shto?
2) chetko formiruem komandu.... esli tu in - tak in, a esli net, tak net...
3) brainstorming. Konkretnue idei i predlojeniya po proektu.


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 11:06 PM
i'm not very good in journalism and stuff, but i am willing to help. i hope my environmental science major can be helpful, besides, abot the culture and history of the countries, i have some clue of it, being a guide in kiev.

i like the idea of the english language, because in our countries, everyone who has access to the internet more or less knows english, but i think about the enormous amount of young active people who don't have internet, i think we could make some posts of the most vital issues, mentioned in the electronic issues, like printed or something, and make a whole chain of people who will be willing to help and hang them on the board in their un-ties with all the coordinates of "our ofiice". personally i have some classmetes who do not have i-net in their un-ties, but they are active and evth.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

07-Feb-2001 11:13 PM
What about those who don't know English? Wouldn't it be better if both laguages (I mean English and Russian) were there?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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