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08-Feb-2001 12:01 AM
nu vopros lanuage ochen' prostoy....
zavisit kakuyu auditoriyu mu hotim to target...

esli primary diaspora - to english would be fine

esli je home unis i students - to daje i ne russian, a rodnue yazuki of our home coutries...

echo, vopros, mne prosto interesno, pochemu veteranu portala molchat po etomu povodu? ya ponachalu dumal shto oni prosto ne hodyat... okazuvaetsya hodyat...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 12:43 AM
OK. First, I want to clearify the primary goal of this particular topic. It was intended for ANY ideas, suggestions, opinions about what we can do back home or even here.
Second. Not even finishing the brainstorming period of the "project", we started to develop one that some of us liked. I am not against that, by no means. But we need to structurize the process. I still think that we didn't gather a decent amount of primary ideas.
Third. Who is gonna do that? I mean only.. how many are there? 5? 6 of us? Where are the others? If we take the newspaper idea, it would be better to create a new topic, state all the goals and suggestions there and call all the people who are interested in that particular idea. That way it will be a stand alone issue, everybody will see it and all the people who interested will just go straight to that topic without struggling through all this mess.
I intended this topic as a starting point, storage of different ideas, ANY ideas, then see what ideas would work, see who is interested in them,then start working on them. Make them actually working projects.

Neo, we need your help here. What about taking those projects on the front page? I mean the working ideas that found people willing to develop them. If we want to do something real, we either should turn this whole forum in one of the business kind or create a shortcut on the front page to the new message board that deals only with particular issue, like newspaper. I mean if we seriously wanna do that. What do you think?
I don't know, I might be wrong, but that's what I suggest.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 01:06 AM
Nurbek, ya tebya understant.... i ochen' cenyu tvoyu gotovnost' shtoto sdelat'...

znachit tak.. X-Ray pravdu skzal... nam nujnu ideii echo, a ne zaciklivat'sya poka na chemto odnom..

poetomu, what I would suggest, let evryone of us come up at least with one idea and present to us.

nu skoko nas est'... chelovek 5-6 kak skazal Nurbek... eto uje neplohoy start.... ya i v odninochku sereznue proektu delal/delayu...

Togda tak, narod, vse kto zainteresovan, svoi idei skiduvayte v etot topic, esli budet shtoto tolkovoe - vunosite v otdelnue topici...

common guys! po krayney mere vse kto zayavil o podderjke nashih nachinaniy! contribute your ideas!

hm... koneshno ya mog bu sechas sdelat' otdelnuy forum (tipa kak universitetu) dlya togo shtobu discuss vse tam.... no ya ne hochu delat' kuchu forumov i shtobu tam bulo pusto... ya vobche intend to kill all other universities, a ostavit' toko etot i sdelat' ego general dlya ACTR students....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 01:09 AM
here is another idea i just got:
we can make or find a site or anything like to gather in one place the web info (like the links to the web sites) about the grants, scholarships and other things, where people can email with their problems and offerings, like you know there are resume sites where people send their resumes and employers and emplyees can meet.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 01:12 AM
i totally support your idea, neo about creating one single forum, i think i posted this idea somewhere, but it wasn't seen, so i am for that. vse ravno vse v upenn-1 tusuyutsa.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

08-Feb-2001 10:01 PM
Why kill other topics? Pust' zhivut. Vse-taki i tuda ludi prihodyat poobschatsa. A nash UPenn1 i tak uzhe monster, ne uspeesh' topic postnut' - uzhe zateryalsa gde-to vnizu.
For projects we need something better than forum. Have you heard of "blackboard"? We have this thing on our university site.
I mean, we don't need many topics for just one project, actually listserv might serve pretty well for this purpose. Good idea Neo!

By the way, why not put the link to listserv subscription on the front page?

[ This message was edited by: X_Ray on: 2-8-2001 22:37 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 04:43 AM
So that I'll be able read it later, coz now I don't have time. The topic and the posts are quite exciting, though. *yawwwwwwwn*

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Feb-2001 03:51 PM
Have you noticed that in america they started to put heavy emphasis on teamwork? They finally understood that their individualism won't lead them far.
We don't need to be taught about working in groups, ..or do we?
Anyway, the main point is that teams always more effective and flexible than individuals, so why not start forming teams by the areas of interest?
Also, to improve our communication it'd be great to open a page or topic for sharing your story of life, getting to know each other closer. Something like Yerkin's message in the "Jan26" topic.
What are your ideas?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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