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09-Feb-2001 05:49 PM
I am really concerned about one issue, and I already expressed it in Delaware University, and also in in Upenn1 under topic "Priklyucheniya Commander"... no ya vse eschyo ne mogu uspokoitsya... Read those messages, and I think that is another issue where we should show that we are gonna be a TEAM.

Hope you share my feelings about it.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 12:35 AM
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 12:48 AM
OK guys, I've sent a letter to all students whose addresses I had. It was yesterday, hopefully people will join us, otherwise we'll have to continue by ourselves. Let's wait till Monday and start forming teams. Looks like we gonna have only one.
Those who want to do something, I ask you, please leave a message here with confirmation that you are willing to continue.
It would be great if you all signed up for the listserve, I guess we'll carry on through it.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 07:30 PM
Rebiat privet, this is probably the first time I appear here, so snachala predstavlius. Ia iz Armenii, and I stayed in Drexel. Anyway
YOu guys are so great. Timur told me about what you have started so I decided to hop in. I was reading all the suggestions you had i daje esli kto to ne verit chto mi eto samie samie special people, reading all the stuff out here is enough to realize that. There were some pessimist and optimist thoughts, but I am not gonna say who is right or wrong I just wanna add my stuff.
*First of all, as far as I know Accels is giving grants to alumni, and I believe it's quite an amount. Before talking about any net papers and stuff we should remember that in our countries internet access is not as free and as abundant as it is here, so I think a good idea would be to get grants to open internetplaces with free acces to students (this is actually my friend's idea, she's also an undergrad here, i hope she won't mind the plagiat)
*potom, i think the primary language should be the language of our countries, i mean what's more important diaspora or nashi strani?!
*Then I had an idea even before coming here about creating a youth political party. I am sure that in other SNG countries as well as in Armenia there are too many parties, and their primary feature is to care for themselves. this youth party would really express the interests of the students and it would try to unite the students from different universtities.
*then somebody else expressed the idea of making classes for high-schoolers, i agree and i'd say there should be classes both on school and undergrad level that would raise the level of political awareness of people, i mean they should have some idea about their rights, even though the government doesn't care about those.
I guess it isn't hard to guess that my major is poli-sci, and with all the due respect to others and to business majors, bez pravilnoi politiki NOTHING is gonna work .
*another thing, i am really sorry to make this so long, this is the last idea for now... If it is possible we should make some site or sth with everybody;s picture and some info about them cause frankly speaking i really don't know most of you guys, sad as it is.
Ha etom vse, talk to ya later
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 07:44 PM
Good ideas.

About the pics... Go to Upen2, in the topi "All pictures" you'll find links to our internet albums. That's the way most of us know each other.

Take care,
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

10-Feb-2001 11:45 PM
URAA!! Welcome podruha! ;-) ty mena pomnish??? ;-)
Taras s Ukrainy.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Feb-2001 04:36 AM
Nu konechno pomniu,kak dela, razve mojno zabit anybody is nashei drexelevskoi kompanii.
Nu chto u tebia tvoritsa, chem zanimaeshsia???????????
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 02:16 AM
Privet,rebyata! Ya iz Drexela, mozhno k vam prisoedinitsya? Skazhite spasibo Timuru, eto on nam pro vas napisal. Ira i Taras - privet!!!
Da-a, takoe zhelanie deistvovat poyavlyaetsya pojalui tolko posle Ameriki. Nadeus, ono ne propadet po vozvrashenii domoi. Ya prochitala ves topic, no k sozhaleniu ne ulovila, chto zhe konkretno vy sobiraetes delat. Chto konkretno menyat? I mne kazhetsya,sobirayas menyat chto-libo, nado vserioz orientirovatsya na nashi natsionalnye traditsii, tsennosti i istoricheskie uroki. A to ludi ne poimut i ne primut.
Ya iz Rossii, i pobyvav zdes, u menya poyavilos zhelanie ne tolko chto-to izmenit tam, no i sohranit to, chto my tam imeem ot razrushenia chuzhoi kulturoi, v dannom sluchae ya imeu vvidu amerikanskuyu v ee hudshih proyavleniyah. Vam, kak grazhdanam SNG, eto naverno eshe blizhe dolzhno byt ponyatno.
Da, zdes deistvitelno est chego pozaimstvovat dlya nashih mnogostradalnyh stran, no mne by ne hotelos videt vtoruyu Ameriku tam. Diversity dolzhna byt diversity.
Moi major-education, i v etoi sphere lichno ya by ne stala kopirovat etu uvazhaemuyu stranu. U nas obrazovanie luchshe!!! Hotya ne meshaet privnesti v nego bolshe praktichnosti i naglyadnosti. Interesno, chto dumaut po etomu povodu drugie Ed-majors?
Samaya luchshaya kak mne kazhetsya idea - eto team working, potomu chto v odinochku malo tolku, a ogromnuyu organizatsiu sozdat budet nelegko. A esli spetsialisty odnogo profilya s pohozhimi ideyami i razrabotkami budut obmenivatsya opytom i podderzhivat drug druga, eto bylo by zdorovo.
Na samom dele samoe deistvennoe- eto popytatsya izmenit chto-nibud hotya by vokrug sebya, chtoby nashim blizkim hotya by bylo luchshe ( krug blizkih mozhet byt dostatochno shirokim, napr. universitet).
Chto vy dumaete po vsemu etomu povodu?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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