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16-Feb-2001 02:43 PM
Zdravstvuy,Nastya!Ura,Drexel nachal prosypats'a!
Tvoy post navyol menya na nekotoryey razmyshleniya,kotorymi ya i hochu podelits'a.Especially I was striked by your statement that our,"Made in NIS",education(I mean,higher education)is better than here.Allow me to strongly disagree.I do not share your opinion as a lot pf people in this portal,I believe.What we have back home?-Bribes,corruption,a lot of courses that nobody will benefit from in his/her career,old obsolite textbook,references of teachers to research works of 50 years old,etc...Yes,a lot of our educators are really great,very intelligent people.But they do not possess the knowledge of new educational methodology,their teaching skills in a lot of cases are ineffective.Another point that just pisses me off is our grading system.In most our courses we do not have tests during the semester,and the grade is granted judging by your performance on the final exam,for which you are preparing 1-3 days in advance.If we do have tests during the semester,their results will have a little influence on your final grade.On final the majority is cheating...They don't know a sh** about the subject on which they are having exam,but still most receive 4-5.Others who are not so lucky and do not have the skill of cheating,but who are studying really hard,often are far behind cheaters and get 3...Tell me,how much do your remember from your courses in 1st semester of your freshman year.-I think,not much.What was the practical use of the knowledge you received?Do you know exactly how to apply your knowledge to the real life?Here,you have internship opportunity,co-op education,teachers stress the practical use of the knowledge they are giving to you-that means that after graduation you will be fully prepared to your career.

Here you are free to change your major.So,if you made a mistake choosing your life-time profession,you can make it up.Isn't it great?I personally faced this.Now I know that I made a wrong decision having entered my department.But I can do NOTHING about this-have to study 3 more years the major I am not interested in any more!Here you are choosing the time you want to have classes.So,you can go to them when it is better for you.If you are a night person,you can have classes in the evening,if you are lark-study in the morning and have the rest of the day for yourself.You can also choose your professor!
Did you have free access to your professor at home?If you did,I am sure,you didn't feel that you are equal to him/her,you felt the distance between you and him/her.Here you can go talk ti your professor almost any time,and you will feel very comfortable with him/her.He/she will listen to you very attentively and will explain you anything you want,without referencing you to some book or encyclopedia at the library.PhD or any other degree it is not the reason to put yourself on airs like our professors do it.

I am not discussing here our libraries that are closing at 6,or 7 pm(some at 10pm),their obsolite books,f*** up stuff the aim of which is to make you feel miserable and helpless.0.2% of computer labs.I understand that this is our poverty,so for this I do not blame our educators.But bribes...Kill me if I am not right!

It took me 2(TWO!)months to fill in my application form and receive signatures of ordinary people at Dean's office.They were torturing me about my financial assistance form despite the fact that university gave 0 copeyek to sponsor me and they had a paper from the Department of Education.They were frightening me that if I live without their approval,I will be expelled from th university not considering my perfect grades.They do not give a sh** about the students!They do not transfer credits even in English earned here!Tut vidite-li ne to,chto nado po programe izuchayut?Isn't it ridiculous?!who better know english:a teacher who has never been abroad,or professional in english-speaking country?Takov moy gor'kiy opyt s nashey sistemoy.

You can give me a counterargument that if USA system is so good,why a lot of people are so ignorant even having completed their Bachelor degree.Right,they are,but it is not because of bad ed.system but because of their accepting all the benefits of life for granted.Izbalovannoye pokoleniye-vot i vsyo.
Thanks,cho dochitali do konza etot krik dushi.Comment are more than welcome!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 03:45 PM
Alik i Nastya, spasibo vam za vash interes!
Vy obe pravy, nashe obrazovanie deystvitel'no imeet preimuschestva pered zapadnym i ya by ne hotel chtoby my pereshli k amerikanskoy sisteme. V to zhe vremya trebuetsa mnogoe izmenit'. Skazyvaetsa i vliyanie ekonomicheskogo krizisa (te zhe vzyatki, nehvatka literatury i materialov, nekachestvennaya podgotovka prepodavateley).
Ya smotryu my pereshli v stadiyu obsuzhdeniya, chtozh davayte vybirat' konkretnye predlozheniya k deystviyu.
Ya predlagayu dlya nachala ustanovit' nadezhny kontakt mezhdu zainteresovannymi lud'mi, chtoby pereiti k seryeznomu obsuzhdeniyu.
Vashi predlozheniya?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 04:40 PM
You know,Nurbek,my main point in my message about education was that I DO NOT LIKE IT at all.... I was negative if you did not understand.You idea is very interesting,let's creat separate topic about edu?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Feb-2001 05:11 PM
Po krayney mere v oblasti MAss Communication... Ya dumayu chto u sebya by ya ne nauchilas' stol'komu skol'komu nauchilas' zdes'... i opyta by stol'ko ne nabrala v Univere tam, skol'ko nabrala zdes'... da i rabotat' ne stala by s takim ogromnym interesom s kakim rabotayu zdes'... No eto ya govoryu tol'ko o Mass Comm, a ob ostal'nykh ne znayu...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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