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22-Mar-2001 03:44 AM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
u wanna fuck with me.
ok motherfucker...
u now what .... all yo motherfucking niggaz from Atlanta r bringing drama, so fuck u and your motherfucking mama. i hadn't liked ur bitch ass long time ago. so u better shut the fuck up bitch or i will kick up ur ass.
by the way... u r talking about the motherfuckers who "presumably do not possess adequate proffeciency in the English " . u urself watch up ur fucking english young ass. so many fucking mistakes. damn!
first off not "the english" but just "english". no fuckin' article is needed. second what the hell is "plebian". may be u wanted to say "plebeian". if u wanted to mean that, than u better back the fuck up fore u get the smacked the fuck up...
sincerily urs Casper-friendly ghost!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 06:07 AM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
Contemplating what you wrote I realized all of a sudden that I addressed the right people. You goddam right, people lacking profeciency in THE english language. What really concerns me greatly is not the ability to use the f-word but people's complete ignorance of the basics. As a matter of fact it is imperative that you know the use of the article. There is no article needed when you say English, but the article comes into play when you say the English Language. And a bitchass or a pussyass is a noun. But by no means am I here to teach the illiterate, that is not my goal. My goal is to show who is who. You make a shitload of mistakes in 2 sentences, try to impress me with the f-word but you are fraud, man. That might impress people who got 180 on Toefl or something. Not me, and I am not bragging about how smart I am, because I need not to, people see that right away. I need no publicity of any kind. So shut the fuck up and go do your homework cause you are a fucking dumbass. You don't know shit about English at all.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 02:36 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
Da to pizdec!!! Vasa, vasa, kuda tam!!! Ne vyebatsa kakie my umnye. Smotrite shoby u vas sopli puzyrami ne tolko iz nosa povylazili, no iz zhopy tozhe. OK? Dva profesora bla. Hot v worde checkerom proverte sho pishete, a potom eto dermo na ludi vystavlayte, a to bla ot etih PANTOV smeshno stanovitsa esli chesno.
Czest, Taras.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 05:07 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
shut the fuck up bitch... if u think this shit is funny, than fuck urself and save ur money ass hole...
this shit is just about me and rus. if u wanna be down with him - aiight... if no, than i don't fucken care...
mind ur own dirty ass...
u better clean ur pussy before entering this portal...
that's how i gonna do it
& FUCK all other niggaz who think that this shit is funny!!!
rus is fuckin' crazy and now a shit about the speech. however he is fucking out too much that's why i am fucked up with him ... my replies are just concerning him but no other son of the bitch...
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 05:31 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
Ty sho boshe matov ne znayyesh krome fuck, shit, ass, pussy? Mda, ne mnogomu teba zdes nauchili. Vozmi hot slovar pochitay sholi, na paru s Rusom. OK? Bozhe,a voni skoko pontovoy, nu prama nemerano.
Idi podrochi, a to vidimo u teba spermotocsicoz v nachale vesny nachalsa.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 06:11 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
Never mind

[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 3-22-2001 18:56 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 06:39 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
First of all I support my boy casper here. I don't remember asking Tarasiche a goddamn thing, and it is none of his goddamn business!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But Casper, shit, maybe you are a good kid, sorry for dissing you like that, but, you gotta watch your language. Dawg, it is completely fucked up. You don't even know how to use all those cuss words, and people pick up on that right away. Anyway at least you don't seem to be a fucked up dork. I am not a nigga, I am white so change your attitude. And one more thing for Tarasische. I hate when motherfuckers do shit like that, fuckin' stick their dick in other people's matters. So Tarasische, if you can't start an interesting debate, just jerk off, no one needs your motherfucking comments.

[ This message was edited by: Ruslito on: 3-22-2001 19:34 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

22-Mar-2001 08:02 PM
 Re: can we stay longer in the states???
u know what fagget, ur place is not here... u better go and join !
that's the shit for fagz like u motherfucker...
Now when I came out I told you it was just about Ruslito
Then u had to open ur mouth with a motherfuckin opinion

yo nigguz ain't even on the level of me & Rus...
You fuckin with us nigga, you fuck around
or u gonna have a seizure or a heart-attack...
u better kiss my ass young pussy!
Yo motherfucker can't be us, so fuck u and ur fucking opinion...fuck all fagz immitating us... fuck y'all cock suckers!
fuck you die slow motherfucker!

sincerily urs Casper- friendly ghost!
P.S.:yo Rus, u know what bitch ass... enemies do sometimes ally when a third person get in to show his ass and disturb them to argue..... take care
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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