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03-Dec-2000 12:18 AM
  Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Hi everyone. Here's the time when I need a great help from those who wouldn't wish me to fail my project and who r willing to help me. I am taking a class, Persuasion in the Media, where we gotta learn how to persuade on people, kinda how ads make you buy something, or political commercials make you vote for someone. For this class we have a project, and it's a stupid project. We must prove to our professor that Black is not black, tha it's white, or v.v., white is not white, but black. Well, not necessarily black and white, it can be any other colour, like blue is green or red is brown, or yelow is blue. The color doesn't matter, what does matter is that we must prove some color is not really what it really is, that it is another color. And I don't know how to do that. It can be done in any way: philosophically, scientifically, logically, or any other way, but the professor has to believe that what we say is true. And I don't know how to do it. I heard there's a book of logics, where the author describes that black is white. If anyone knows where in the internet I can find it, let me know, or if any read it, give me the idea. Or if you know any other way to prove it just give me the idea.
Yeah, the Project is due Wednesday, so please, be fast with your ideas. I really will appreciate any idea.

I know it's stupid, but the professor will probably have fun reading all those stupid essays.


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Dec-2000 02:34 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
MDA, Roxy...that's zagruzka po polnoi programme. I guess it's a sample of a very genuine, sophisticated sadistic humor that old bald folks in some universities have.
Here is one very stupid proposal, as I see it. Well, we all know that Jesus in His human embodiment was white. Now, using the prompts given below, you can prove He was a Negro! Thus, if Jesus, being white, was a Black American...well, make any conclusion you want.
1. He called everybody "brother."
2. He liked Gospel.
3. He couldn't get a fair trial
But it's actually not a good example. With these things you should better avoid any kinds of jokes.
Good luck!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Dec-2000 06:54 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Hi, Roxy!

I have no idea how to prove this, but you can easily prove that green = yellow + blue, or that orange = yellow + red (elementary drawing)... Or you could cite the fact that animal's perception of color is different from human's and what is red for us, is black for the bees etc.

Good luck!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Dec-2000 07:54 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Tima, Dorina, Thank you very much for ur replies. I found them very useful.
Tima, I told u how useful ur message was just for making me laugh when I was feeling bad. But later I realized that they were even much more useful than that. Because I went to <> site, where I posted the topic. And I got some really useful info which I can use in my paper.

Dorina, ty prosto geniy with the idea of animals perception of colors. I'll surely include that in my paper.

To others: Any other ideas about this topic are still welcome.

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

03-Dec-2000 09:31 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Tut est' odin nyuans, no, as a rule, lyudi ob etom ne dumayut, poetomu to, chto black is not black at all mojno tak dokozat:

1) Lyudi vidyat predmetu potomu, chto solnechnue (ili iskusstvennue) lyuchi otrajayutsya ot predmetov, i, popadaya k nam v glaz, sozdayut na setchatke radrajenie, a v mozgu obrazu. Chernuy cvet, kak izvestno, polnostyu pogloschaet solnechnue lyuchi. Hotya, mu vse-taki ego vidim => sootvetstvenno, on vse-taki otrajaet svet => sledovatel'no on ne chernuy.

2) Po analogii: vecherniy zakat kajetsya krasnum (hotya prekrasno izvestno, chto solnce jeltoe po prirode), nebo dnem kajetsya golubum (hotya kajduy znaet, chto ono chernoe v nature), zelenuy cvet v polumrake kajetsya sinim, a krasnuy - korichnevum... i t.d. Kto posle etogo mojet so 100% garantiey utverjdat, chto white is white ans black is black?!

Take care.

Igor from NTHMS.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 12:47 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
I'm sorry, no cvet solnca i cvet neba , kak objasnil nam Proper , eto ne sovsem verno. Solnce krasnoje na zakate potomychto atmosfera xorosho pogloshchaet i rassejivajet korotkije volni (i.e. sinij fioletovij gylyboj zelenij) i ploxo pogloshchajet dlinnije (krasnij oranzhevij zheltij) . V originale nashe solnce svetit na vsex chastotax, t.e. ono SVETIT BELIM cvetom. Atmosfera rasseivaet sinyjy komponenty spektra (that's why colorless sky became blue), i ostajetsya tol'ko krasnaja. Pochemy eto vidno lish na zakakte , potomychto pyt' lychej cherez atmosfery dlinneje na zakate.

Teper' naschet chernogo i belogo . Ja mogy podkinyt' idejy iz kvantovoj fiziki i teorii izlychenija.

Esli mi nagrevaem chernoje, seroje i beloe telo, i viklychim svet to mi yvidim chto oni nachnyt etitsya. Prichem chem silneje mi ix grejem tem sil'neje oni svyetyat. Poprobyjte nagret' zheleznij gvozd' i vi yvidite:

    Temperature - Color
  • pri 400 C temno--krasnij,

  • 800 oranzhevo-zheltij,

  • 1200 jarko-zhelti

  • ~1300 zhelezo potechet vam na ryki

Zheleznij gvozd', eto seroje telo. A teper' paradox:

  • Absolutno chernoje telo svetit maksimal'na jarko.

  • Absolytno beloje telo ne svetit voobshche

Eto vitekajet iz zakona ob Ravnovesnom Izlychenii Absolytno Chernogo Tela. Sledovatel'no esli mi govorim o sobstvenom izlychanii tela, to cveta ne syshchestvyjet voobshche. Est' tol'ko Temperatyra. Pri absolytnom nyle vse tala bydyt chernimi, belime ili serimi. Nashe "Zheltoje Solnce" bydet chernim , t.k. ono svetit po dchinyajas' zakony Chernogo Tela. A zheltoje ono tol'ko izz0a togo chto nagreto do 6,000 C ... Nagrejte ego do 10,000 C i ono bydet zelenim . Nagrejte do 30,000 bydet sinim.

A krome sobstvennogo cveta, nikakogo bol'she cveta i net. Est' pogloshchenije i otrazhenije padajyshchego cveta. I v etom slychaet nam kazhetsya chto y tela est' cvet tol'ko izza togo chto mi zhivem v mire BELOGO sveta, t.e. smesi red+orange+yellow+green+blue+magetta+viollete .
Esli telo1 pogloshchaet red a otrazheat vse ostal'noje to ono green, esli telo2 otrazhaet tol'ko green ,a pogloshchaet vse ostal'noje, to ono green. A poprobyjte na telo1 i telo2 posvetit' na belim a sinim svetom , oba tela ne otryazyat nichego i bydyt nam kazatsya chernimi.

Vivod: Vse xolodnije tela ili chernije ili serije ili belije. To chto mi vidim , eto ne cvet, eto obman , pti drygom osveshcheniji cvet bydet drygim . Sobstvennij cvet pojavlyajetsya pri temperatyre boleje 500 C , chto nas osobo ne volnyjet , t.k. mi tak zhit' ne mozhem.

Welcome to our black and white world

Sincerely, Ratmir
copyright MIPT 1997-2000
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 01:49 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)

That's really interesting! I would never think that such things can be posted here...

Roxy, I hope you will write an excellent paper.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

04-Dec-2000 02:05 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)

Since both absolute black and absolute white are idealization i.e. don't exist in Nature all we have in our world is grey. Grey is the only color of our cold world. Other colors are privelegy of hot bodies, like sun and other stars.


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

06-Dec-2000 08:45 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Hey guys! what r talkin' bout?
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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