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08-Dec-2000 06:48 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Ya sdala etot svoy project. Ispol'zovala material "vsego ponemnozhku". The references for my paper were:
What Igor said,
What other people told me in the site that Tima gave idea to look at
Mainly my paper was based on what Rat said.

Thank you very much for you help, dear igor, Tima and Rat. I'll post it what I get. Esli poluchu "A" to ya budu bezmerno schasliva.
Thanks once again to everyone who wrote something that helped my paper and to those that were just concerned.


[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 12-8-2000 07:48 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

09-Dec-2000 03:10 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Remember the movie "Men In Black"? When Will Smith choosing between different targets in the traning room finally shot little Tiffany? Well, the reason he gave was that a young girl alone on the street with a volume of Quantum Theory should definitely be exterminated, because of the odd nature of such an affinity. So, the analogy is - WE SHOULD KILL RAT!!!

Shuchu konechno. No ty Rat muzhik! Uvazhayu! Takuyu vykladku sdelal! Blin, ploho, chto ya nemnogo opozdal. A to tozhe mozhno bylo by chto-nibud' prigruzit'. Iz astrofiziki s primesyu kvantovoi fiziki, biochimii, psihologii i Relativistskoi Teorii Gravitatsii. No izhe pozdno, poetmou ne budu.

Raz za tebya Roxi! Horosho, chto est' portal, da?

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Dec-2000 08:40 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
I guess that was not talk that children should know, cause i stll dont know what u're talkin bout. But i'm glad that u did good on your paper, dear mommy =)
love, Ice :-;))
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Dec-2000 10:18 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)


[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

13-Dec-2000 11:18 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Hi, here I am again.
Ice, dear, esli ty ne ponyala o chem rech' to prochitay 1 message v etom topike, a esli vse ravno ne ponyala, to forget what we said here, tol'ko golovu sebe pomorochish'. A teper' na schet togo chto ty skazala "I'm glad you did good on your paper". Eto kto skazal chto I did good, ya skazala chto sdala, no ne govorila chto I did good. Well, any way you were right:

I DID GOOD ON MY PAPER!!! ...esli professor schital po 50 ballovoy shkale. Because I got 49 points for it, which would mean a strong "A" for that particula paper. No esli on schital po 55 ballovoy shkale, kak v 3D projecte, to ya poluchila "B", 1 point away from "A", no eto tozhe niche.
Thanks everyone for your help. RAT, a tebe osobaya blagodarnost'!!! (tak kak my paper was based on what you said ).
No eto tol'ko poject, a sam klass ya opyat' screwed up. Nado budet make up, no dumayu chto posle make up "B" poluchu .

Thanks once again!!!


[ This message was edited by: komsaid1 on: 12-14-2000 00:17 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

14-Dec-2000 09:12 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Professor schital po 55 ballovoy shkale, tak chto u menya ne "A" a "B".
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

16-Dec-2000 04:44 AM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Vsia zhizn', Roxy, ahead!
You better be cool instead...
B, kak govoritsia, tozhe vitamin!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

19-Dec-2000 09:23 PM
 Re: Black is white and white is black (REAL URGENT)
Roxi, ti mne pokazhi etogo starogo perdyna kotorij tebe "B" postavil, ili daj mne ego e-mail, ja emy xochy koj-chego skazat'. Ja ne ponyal chto eto za dela!!! Esli "B" stavili za takoe, to za chto zhe togda stavili "A" ??? Ja ego smogy prostit' tol'ko v tom slychae esli on vsem ostal'nim postavil "f" .. no esli net - smert' emy.
A esli chestno, ocenki tyt inogda bivajyt ochen' neobjektivnimi, vprochem kak i vezde.. mne vot naprimer ochen' nexoroshyjy ocenky po ximii postavili. A vse izza togo chto "Studet missed more than 5 classes isn't worth to get "B" ". A ja propystil 10 ..A ved' kogda-to ja .. po ximii , da na olompiadax .... ex! F**ing Amerika , and grades.
Xoroshij sovet dal Timour, ja mogy tol'ko dobavit' chto zhiznenno vazhnimi javlyajytsya vitamini "A" "B" ( B1 B2 .. B12) "C" i "D" . Vitamina "F" pomojemy net. Tak chto
"Ocenki vsyakije nyzhni,
ocenki vsyakije vazhni,
vot tol'ko "Fail" ne nado"

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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