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AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community | Post new topic |
Author |
22-Feb-2001 10:16 PM |
AlikUS |
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
22-Feb-2001 10:18 PM |
AlikUS |
Hey,pochemu script v preview pashet,a na poste net?Neo,chto za dela? [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
23-Feb-2001 04:31 AM |
Tarasishe |
23-Feb-2001 01:52 PM |
AlikUS |
V Atlante ne mnogo chego primechatel'nogo-razocharuyeshs's...razve chto nochnaya zhizn'... [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
23-Feb-2001 03:00 PM |
musliba |
xlopci, ne zasmichuite efir!
nu sho za nevidpovidal'ne stavlennya do workshop topics!! )))) see you in washington vasha masha [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
01-Mar-2001 10:14 PM |
Aa? che? rebyata, o chem eto vi?
ya toje s vami! U menya finals 5th of May, a kogda dorm zakrivayut ne znayu. Kajetsya ego nikogda ne zakrivayut. Nurik! esli est chto-to novoye, email me, ok!!? i mean topics, workshops. Ace [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
02-Mar-2001 05:19 AM |
Rus |
Well this is a good oppotunity to share my thoughts right here on line. Frankly I don't give a shit about what we are going to discuss in the goddamn accels HQ but since the shit is a requirement we have to come up with some real hot topics. So I got some.
1. The development of EBONEX as a separate language and its impact on other languages. 2. Prostitution in Ukraine and the purpose it serves for the humanity. 3. The drinking age. A myth or reality, does it work or not. These are some of the hot topics that I got off the top of my head. We gotta come up woth some valuable stuff, not some cheasyass bullshit to please Accels and other motherfuckers. Kind regards, Ruslito [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
02-Mar-2001 05:45 PM |
komsaid1 |
Hey, i like your idea about the drinking age! [Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I] |
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