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03-Mar-2001 05:11 AM
 Re: Workshop topics
hotia ne skazhu, chto vsem rad.
Well, you want some topics for the ACCELS workshop? Although the idea about sharing them in advance does not appeal to me (after all, there will be no effect of surprise in WDC), here are some of possibilities:
what the freaking year in the USA gave us and what it might have given had we spent our time and energy more effectively (hey, I am talking for myself);
how American mentality/morality/reality (in fact, anything ending with LITY to sound more scientific) is different from OURS;
are the two regions - the CIS and the USA compatible in anything, and what are the avenues of future relations.
Folks, and the last but not the least. Let's watch our mouths. Some are just full of crap. Don't be contagious for the rest.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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