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10-Sep-2000 11:23 PM
  For Alena!!!! Birthday!
Hello, another side of Mississippi, especially ALENA!
I am delegated the right from all the MSU students to CONGRATULATE YOU ON YOUR BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!! We wish you the best things in the world and lots of luck.

Pozdravlyaem, pozdravlyaem, pozdravlyaem!!!(poem horom)

[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Sep-2000 12:42 AM
 Re: For Alena!!!! Birthday!
Alenushka! S Dnem rozhdenija tebja!!! Happy birthday!!!
Mirnogo tebe neba nad golovoj!!!

Obitateli Nebraski
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Sep-2000 01:24 AM
 Re: For Alena!!!! Birthday!
Tak kak mi s toboj rodilis' pochti v odin den', to ja share all congratulations given to me with you. A ot sebya lichno xochy pozhelat' ydachi vo vsem , i pobol'she xoroshix

Imeninnice ot Imeninnika ....
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

11-Sep-2000 01:33 AM
 Re: For Alena!!!! Birthday!
Ot vsei dushi pozdravlyayu tebya s Birthday!
Zhelayu tebe schastya, zdoroviya, i mnogo deneg amerikanskih nalogoplatel'schikov!
Jalko chto my ne smogli otmetit' tvoe i Ratovskoe B-day
vmeste. Nu niche, my s vami esche poPARTYmsya!

Your neighbour po znoinoi Misisipi.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Wed Sep 05:09 am
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