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International Students Online

    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
21-Mar-2001 02:12 AM
hey, how u doin'?
i got a few questions for u!
i remember i have read that u have been involved in smth. like Armenian Student Assossiation (i can't rememebr for sure, but i know it was the assossiation of the student who have studied in US on ACCELS programme).
can u plz. tell me more about it. what were ur goals? what have u done? what was ur role? who and why financed u? i also heard that u guys have opened public internet cafe.... who helped u to do that? (was it a profir free or it was a sort of businees?)
and all the stuff u have done was just a volunteer work or you were get paid and stuff?
and who was ur main supporter? did ACCELS's local office had a part in it?
would be happy to hear from u ASAP.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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