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28-Mar-2001 06:07 AM
  ID Manufacturing, Inc.
Version 1.0

Fake ID v1.0
Beta version compiled by Ruslito himself. Lacks some
subtle ditails and gadgets, but overall seems to be
ok. Bottom line - it works.

Version 1.2

Fake ID v2.0
A major upgrade to overall style and appearance.
Added some new features not present in the previous
version. More stylistic elements and quality. Lots
of ideas contributed by Yerkin.

Rus [ This message was edited by: YeRKiN on: 3-28-2001 07:06 ]
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Mar-2001 01:08 PM
 Re: ID Manufacturing, Inc.
Nu mla UMORA!!!! ;-)) Super!!! Hot ty i vyskochka, no eto v nature prikol. Mezhdu prochim, odin moy znakomyi zdes v shtatah popalsa musaram, i nichego krome knizhechki pro grupu invalidnosti ne imel. Tak ugadayte sho sluchilos? ;-) S kirpichnoy mordoy on im dokazal sho eto ukrainskiye vod.prava i oni ego otpustili pri etom izvenilisa ;-) Vot tak to. 43DAM-12XYI-3452BPOT
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Mar-2001 04:13 PM
 Re: ID Manufacturing, Inc.
All right here is some explanation. The one at the top is my first version it is pretty big and crappy cause I laminated the whole thing and then cut it out. The thing would not fit my wallet and would stick out. After a few days the corners got messed up and actually what really bugged me was the design, was not that cool. So I decided to make a new one. Well I used the top one a bunch of times at clubs, restaraunts, publix, liquor stores, DMV, Atlanta Police Department. Well actually I did not show it to cops, cause it is clummmy. The new one that you see at the bottom is just a perfected version. It's got all sorts of protection from forgery, like thin curves on the background, and various serial numbers. In fact it is much smaller, about the same size as a regular ID, so it fits my wallet perfectly. I laminated not the whole sheet of paper, but cut out each one and then laminated each individual ID and then cut em out. That way the corners don't get broken. I have yet to use the new one, but I am pretty sure it is gonna work just as well, because it looks a lot fancier. So wait for your comments. Accels, who said people under 21 are minors, ha? Actually minors are people who ain't got no brains. I would just start my own business here, too bad it is too late.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

23-Mar-2001 04:24 PM
 Re: ID Manufacturing, Inc.
Hey there.
Havent you brought a fake one from Ukraine? Its so damn easy to get one, actually not fake but with incorrect info. Go to any ISIC office, they would be more then willing to "help" you one for less then 20$. Ive paid $5 for mine, and I even have discounts for Greyhoud tickets.And believe me, I did show mine to cops, they even scaned it and databased me ;-) morons. But I guess this one would work just fine.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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