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    AbroadPlanet Forums -> Brat-3: ACTR Students Community Post new topic
17-Aug-2000 02:53 AM
  Instruction How to USU FORUM!!!!!!!
Hey!!! narod!!!!! Vam nado pisat' noviye message!!! a reply na topic tol'ko v tom sluchaye esli ono otnositsya k chemuto topicy!!!! Ne berite Reply topic!!!!
NUJNO BRAT' ++++++POST NEW TOPIC++++++++++

I ECHE, pered etim vsem nado zaregistrirovat'sya!!!!!!! shtobu mu znali ot kogo!!!!
i massagi pishite dlinnuye i sostoyatel'nuye!!!!!!!!
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

17-Aug-2000 04:15 AM
 Re: Instruction How to USU FORUM!!!!!!!
WHat's up people! How's it feels at new places?
Thank you Andy! You are the Man!
It's alright here at University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Been a bit hot, but not humid as in Philadelphia. The campus is not as cool as in UPenn, but okey.
PEOPLE! Let's chat! If you like the idea, lets set up date and time of one time-zone. Lets say: SuNday 11PM Philadelphia time. It's just a suggestion. Any Ideas Are welcoMe! Write whAt You tHink.
[Brat 3: University of Pennsylvania I]

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The time now is: Fri Sep 09:09 am
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